A re-examination of the text based on illustrations of various editions of “Pinocchio” by Carlo Collodi.
Episode of the series "Aviation in Brescia": airplane exercises featuring the pilots Curtiss, Rougier, Calderara, Blériot and Cobianchi.
Film restored in collaboration with Fondazione Cineteca Italiana.
This documentary puts together different moments of Pier Antonio Quarantotto Gambini’s poetic journey, pausing on the only work in verse by this writer from Trieste, “Racconto d'amore” (Lo...
Un tempo a Roma si trovavano moltissime osterie, spesso frequentate da avventori illustri, alcune sopravvivono ancora oggi, altre sono scomparse: in piazza Pollarola si trova l’albergo del Sol...
Still from "Was Liebe vermag"
Still with Carl Clewing (front, on the left)
Paul Kronegg, Traute Carlsen, Franz Herterich (from left to right)
Luis Trenker
Lyda Salmonova
Still with Henny Porten
Screenshot from "Mit L.35 über Berlin und Potsdam"
Paul Hartmann, Adolf Klein (from left to right)
"Hu-hu ! Wir schröcklich ! (mit'n „ö“)", Der Kinematograph, 490, (1916), S. 20(?). Entgegnung auf die Behauptungen des Abgeordneten Werner-Giessen, die Flut an Krimis in den Kinos schade der Mor...
Messter Film GmbH, Zum 70. Geburtstag Generalfeldmarschalls von Hindenburg, Der Kinematograph, 561, (1917), S. 18-19.