A working-class neighborhood in Piraeus is the setting for the story of a hard-working young man (Giorgos Fountas) who finds himself entangled in illegal dealings with a fraudster (Stefanos Stratigos)...
Agioupa, an unruly orphan girl, sleeps in the fields, choosing the company of the birds to her fellow villagers. Thus, she is often raped by the peasants. A doctor, who feels pity for her her, offers ...
In post-war Athens, Elli, an orphan girl, falls in love with spoilt rich Kostas (Andreas Barkoulis) and becomes pregnant. Unaware of her pregnancy, he soon abandons her, and the girl gives up her baby...
On the square of a village on a beautiful island in the Saronic Gulf there are two competing tavernas. One belongs to Aspasia Zormpala (Georgia Vasileiadou) and the other to Anargyros Prokopis (Vasili...
Agioupa, an unruly orphan girl, sleeps in the fields, choosing the company of the birds to her fellow villagers. Thus, she is often raped by the peasants. A doctor, who feels pity for her, offers her ...
An American secret agent, Dan Holland, comes to Greece on a mission to find a hydrogen bomb that was stolen from a NATO base in Turkey. Instead, however, he uncovers the murderers of another American...
Young Mina (Ellie Lambeti) goes for a dip on a Sunday morning at a secluded beach. Two buggers steal her bag, in which there is a lottery ticket. The kids sell the ticket to Alexis (Dimitris Horn). Th...
Foula (Tzeni Karezi) is kicked out of her father’s house (Tzavalas Karousos) when she is abandoned by the doctor who loved her (Andreas Barkoulis) and ends up in a brothel. There her brother (Kostas...