The video shows the first five minutes of the film. Film synopsis: The young, attractive Inge Wagner becomes acquainted with Herbert Koch during the Berlin Olympics, his flight officer insignia having...
Jochen Nickel, David Hugo Schmitz, Ingo Naujoks, Anja Kruse (from left to right) in "Radio Heimat" (2015/16)
Milena Tscharntke, Hauke Petersen, David Hugo Schmitz, Jan Bülow, Maximilian Mundt (from left to right) in "Radio Heimat" (2015/16)
Jan Bülow, Maximilian Mundt, Hauke Petersen, David Hugo Schmitz (from left to right) in "Radio Heimat" (2015/16)
Jan Bülow, Hauke Petersen, David Hugo Schmitz, Maximilian Mundt (from left to right) in "Radio Heimat" (2015/16)
Gerhard Schirlo, Matthias Kutschmann, Maximilian Mundt, Hauke Petersen, David Hugo Schmitz, Jan Bülow (from left to right) on the set of "Radio Heimat" (2015/16)
Sandra Borgmann, Stephan Kampwirth (both in the front) in "Radio Heimat" (2015/16)
Ralf Richter, Elke Heidenreich in "Radio Heimat" (2015/16)
Petra Nadolny, Peter Nottmeier (in the front) in "Radio Heimat" (2015/16)