It is an articulated film comprised of three free-standing stories with a common theme: the attitude of the Greeks under the yoke of a foreign power. The Clock, the first story, is a comedy set on the...
Christian Kohlund, Peter Hall, Alexander May (left to right) in "Der Fußgänger" (1973)
German movie poster of "Faustrecht der Freiheit" (1974/75)
Werner Enke, May Spils, Uschi Glas (left to right) while shooting "Zur Sache, Schätzchen" (1968)
French movie poster of "Schrei aus Stein" ("Cri de Roche", 1991)
Mascha Gonska, Werner Enke, May Spils (left to right) while shooting "Hau drauf, Kleiner" (1973)
Michel Johann Koch (top), Jonas May, Emilia Kowalski (bottom left to right) in "Lauras Stern" (2021)
Werner Enke, May Spils, Gila von Weitershausen (left to right) while shooting "Nicht fummeln, Liebling" (1970)
Mathilda May, Virginia Madsen, Klaus Maria Brandauer (from left to right) in "Colette" (1990/91)
The pictures "Barbara la May" and "Can Can" had to be removed.The newsreel was permitted to young people under 16 years.