This is the story of two children, Voula and Alexandros, who do not know who their father is but are determined to find out. During their search, they are helped by a theater troupe and a truck driver...
The long and bitter strike of the French miners in November and December 1948. After an overview of the harshness of the profession, this agitation film describes the beginning of the strike, its prog...
A movie director takes a tour of the turbulent Balkan peninsula, and, like another Ulysses, he makes a return trip through memory and the skeins of recent history. A quest involving the old Greek urba...
Presentation of the politics of the Communist Party from the aftermath of the war until 1949. This film was made on the occasion of the cantonal elections of March 20 and 27, 1949. The P.C.F. is shown...
The battles of the dockers during the winter and early spring of 1950, filmed in Rouen, Saint-Nazaire, La Pallice (La Rochelle), Marseille and Bordeaux. After evoking the precariousness, the difficult...