The conflict between Eteocles and Polynices (the two sons of the dead king Oedipus, who claimed the throne of seven-gated Thebes) results in the death of both of them. The young king Creon orders that...
A counterfeit coin goes from hand to hand telling its story in four independent episodes. The piece has been made by a decent goldsmith, Anargyros (Vasilis Logothetidis), who is captivated by the char...
Manolakis and his friend Manolios (Fragkiskos Manellis and Nikos Thivaios) are trying to find two nice girls to marry. Through a personal ad they meet two girls looking for grooms. When they are intro...
Fotis (Vasilis Logothetidis) has been engaged to Mary (Dina Stathatou) for 20 years and is still working hard to make enough money in order to marry her. When his mother (Smaro Stefanidou) becomes ill...