An observation and a celebration of a rise of a steel factory (ČKD Libeň) from the war ruins. The film includes highly aesthetically approached scenes of ruin depiction. It narrates a story of a col...
The Minister of Foreign Affairs Jan Masaryk addresses his colleagues abroad and presents a political situation in the country right after the war (1945). The film includes the condemnation of the Nazi...
A story of a famous Schicht soap factory located close to Czech-German borders founded by the Schicht family. The film presents Georg Schicht as a traitor of the Czechoslovakia as well as a supporter ...
An excursion into the periodical permanent exhibitions put on display in the Czech National Museum in Prague told through a story of flirting young couple. The film follows the history chronologically...
Film představuje technickou podstatu a historický vývoj staroměstského orloje na budově Staroměstské radnice v Praze. Jelikož se radnice stala jednou z mála pražských budov poničených v ...
A promotional film showing a high quality of spa offer in the Czechoslovakia. It stresses a role of the Church when a spa season begins and a sanctification is happening. It demonstrates a scientific ...
A reflection of horrors executed by the Nazi regime in Czechoslovakia and abroad. The film focuses mostly on the documentation of concentration camps, mass graves and an accusation of representatives ...