Der arbeitslose Jurist und Familienvater David nimmt notgedrungen einen Job an, der ihm auf moralischer Ebene eigentlich zuwider ist: Er soll eine Firma "liquidieren". Im Klartext bedeutet d...
The video shows the first five minutes of the film.
"Geschichten aus dem Wiener Wald" was digitized by DFF - Deutsches Filminstitut und Filmmuseum as part of the film heritage funding program "FÃ...
Documentary by Andrei Schwartz. About ten years ago, while shooting in the Romanian high security prison Rahova, the filmmaker made the acquaintance of Gavriel Hrieb who was serving a life sentence fo...
The films tells the story of the legendary Mathias Kneißl, who came to fame as a robber in the rural Bavaria around 1900. Chased by the police, Kneißl became a popular hero with the local ...
The video shows the first five minutes of the film.
"Der große Schatten" was digitized by Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung as part of the film heritage funding program "Förderprogramm Filmerbe...
An african tourist from Nigeria, named Victor, is staying in Switzerland because of an illness for long time. The director of this documentary Ulrich Schweizer collects some memorys of people who were...
The video shows the first five minutes of the film. Film synopsis: Lorenz Lubota, a plain town chronicler, who cares for his mother and his siblings, is a daydreamer and writes poems. One day, he is ...
Free State Midpoint Documentary about Ernst Otto Karl Grassmé, who was interned and forcibly sterilized by Nazis in 1939. The reason: Grassmé, then the owner of a construction business in Altona, wa...
Paul Hoffmann, Werner Krauß (v.l.n.r.)
Szene mit Emil Jannings (Mitte)
Emil Jannings, Werner Hinz (rechts)
Werner Krauß, Emil Jannings (v.l.n.r)
Szene mit Werner Hinz (Mitte links), Emil Jannings (Mitte rechts)
Filmplakat von "Die Entlassung" ("Schicksalswende", 1942)
Hotelzimmer in München (Entwurf). Kreide, Kohle, Bleistift auf Pappe.
Aufbahrung - Kaiser Friedrich (Entwurf). Kreide, Kohle, Deckweiß, Bleistift auf Pappe.