Various scenes of the village of Colinton from the early 1940s through to the mid 1950s.
Family Christmas from the mid 1960s.
Japan Desk Scotland’s third documentary about the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011, looking at the aftermath in the area around Okuma Town, the remaining effects of radioactive contamination, and ...
Japan Desk Scotland’s eighth documentary about the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011, looking back at the work to create a radiation map of the surrounding area and the establishment of the Institu...
Volker Michalowski, Veronica Ferres, Gael García Bernal (in the front from left to right) in "Salt and Fire" (2015/16)
Made for screening at the 1925 World Educational Congress Edinburgh, the film gives a survey of the educational opportunities offered in Edinburgh from infants up to senior pupils.
Educational film examining the different stages involved in pregnancy.
A colourful tour of the Braemar area, Aberdeenshire.
A cartoon combining drawings and live footage, in which a drawing comes to life while its author isn't there. The film's director began as a political cartoonist and in 1914 founded Bray Studios, amon...
Little Baby has had good results with her chemistry experiment wherein tiny and innocent cotton balls are transformed into gigantic monsters. She uses her poor baby-sitter Nanni as a guinea pig. Seein...
Den stilfærdige Lars Lindstrom bor ved siden af hans bror Gus og hans kone, Emily. Lars passer helst sig selv, og Gus og Emily er derfor glade den dag Lars erklærer, at han har mødt den eneste ene....
Report on the Nordic art project FLYING CONCRETE in Copenhagen from July 23th to September 15th, 1984. Artists represented: Greenland: Jessie Christensen. Finland: Pekka Nevaleinen / Hannu Siren. Swed...
Troy og Gabriella har taget hul på deres sidste år på high school. Ligesom deres kammerater på East High skal de nu videre i livet med deres erfaringer fra high school i bagagen, med store håb ti...
Nick kommer tit på New Yorks indie-rock scene, hvor han plejer sine hjertesorger og spiller bas i et hardcore bøsse-band, The Jerk Offs. Norah er i en mindre krise i sit liv, hvor hun stiller spørg...
Amerikaneren Frederick Wiseman regnes for et af de største navne inden for dokumentarfilmen. I over 20 år har han lavet film om amerikanske institutioner - ukommenterede beskrivelser af forholdet me...
Tre eksperimenter samlet under overskriften »Scratching the Eyes Out. In Three Lessons". Princippet for scratch er, at man stjæler fra film, TV og reklamebilleder, redigerer dem sønder og sammen og...
I 1980 skræmte Stanley Kubrick en hel verden med sin filmatisering af "The Shining - Ondskabens hotel". Filmen er en af de mest uhyggelige nogensinde og har gennem årene været genstand for mange sp...
Så er den gal igen: Unge mennesker, der går ind i uhyggelige gamle huse, uskyldigt udseende lejligheder, der rummer uanede kræfter, monstre og galninge. Og Charlie Sheen. David Zucker står endnu e...
Winter bathing at Helgoland. Bathing at Langebro with humorous actions; a man in a dress jumps in, one with a bicycle, lunch with beer is eaten in the water.