Filmen fortæller den sammensmeltede historie om den 15-årige børnesoldat Johnny ¿Mad Dog¿ og den 13-årige pige Laokole, der er på flugt med sin forkrøblede far, samtidig med at hun forgæves f...
Fabulerende fantasi og musikalitet lyser ud af disse eksperimenterende animationsfilm. Båndet rummer »Ballet Ballade" (12 min): Et par danser sig gennem historien. »The Saints" (4 min): En jazzet m...
I forbindelse med udgivelsen af det kritikerroste album 'Into The Great Wide Yonder' drog den danske electro-ekvilibrist Trentemøller og hans band på turné. Turnéen startede i København i slutnin...
En mockumentary om Nicolai, en ambitiøs (og lettere virkelighedsfjern) elev fra KBH Film og Fotoskole i gang med sin afgangsfilm. Han har valgt at filme hele processen undervejs, som en form for behi...
We follow the 33 years old Patrick Small's train journey to Paris where he is going to meet his mother.
Mathias, age 8 years old, is writing an essay for school entitled »How to Understand Women". Obviously, his fieldwork turns out to be quite difficult.
Portrait of Copenhagen's free community Christiania as they fight for their existence in the months leading up to a raid by Copenhagen's Police Task Force.
Jake er død, men Elwood Blues lever i bedste velgående, og efter 18 år i fængsel har han kun en ting i hovedet: at genskabe sit band "The Blues Brothers". Det lykkes Elwood at samle bandet, og han...
Still from "Sperduti nel buio"
Still with Karen Sandberg (first from the right)
Still with Karen Sandberg (in the middle, bottom)
Frederik Buch, Karen Sandberg
Rita Sacchetto, Olaf Fönss
Nicolai Johannsen, Rita Sacchetto
Still with Olaf Fönss
Gudrun Bruun, Olaf Fönss
(englisch) nach dem
News item covering a patriotic march in the city centre of Brussels.
Promotional film about the FN car plant at Herstal.
Promotional documentary about the Belgium-Luxembourg steel industry.
Report on the funeral of cardinal Mercier.
A child's visit to the World fair of 1958.
Inauguration by Sabena of the first international flights for transport by helicopter
Report about the death of King Albert I, first in Marche-les-Dames, then in Brussels.