Adventures revolving around an expensive diamond.
Three sisters named, respectively, Varvara, Theodora and Kiki have inherited an old mansion from their father. In order to exchange it for flats in a newly built apartment block, they must find a husb...
A young man (Andreas Ntouzos) and a girl (Mema Stathopoulou) face numerous obstacles in their relationship. Their love, however, proves strong enough and triumphs in the way they had always hoped.
Stavros (Stavros Paravas), who has just completed his military service, is worried that he will lose Rita, his sweetheart. So he decides to pretend to be the fortune-teller of his neighborhood (Despoi...
Giovanni (Spyros Fokas) is an Italian soldier who finds refuge in the home of two sisters (Mary Chronopoulou and Nelli Angelidou) who have suffered a great deal. The Germans are searching for him, but...
Two friends, Sofronis (Fragkiskos Manellis) and Mimis (Vasilis Mavromatis), are in constant trouble because of Sofronis, who creates havoc with his naiveté and clumsiness.
A story of the joys and sorrows of the tenants living in a picturesque courtyard in a poor, old Athenian neighborhood. We observe the lives of the tenants, who represent characteristic types of their...
Four brothers are badly treated by their cruel stepmother, who only cares about money and her own pleasures and shows no interest in the health and happiness of her four stepchildren.
Colorful poster by N. Andreakos. A composition of various scenes from the film. A woman (Miranta Myrat) with an expression of sadness and pain on her face appears on the upper left. On the right, a mi...