Seit vielen Jahren pflegen die fünf Freundinnen Anna, Ginette, Marie, Nora und Stephanie die Tradition, ein gemeinsames Wochenende in einem Ferienhaus in Südfrankreich zu verbringen. Die fünf kenne...
Holiday impressions from different locations in France and Italy (Ile d'Yeux, Chambord, Perugia, Genua).
1. Zwischentitel: Schichtwechsel. Bild: Auf dem Fabrikgelände der AEG Berlin gehen Frauen an Fabrikgebäuden, gestapelten Fäßern und einem Pferd vorbei. 2. Zwischentitel: Herstellung der Töpfe f...
Magdalena Kopp war mit Ilich Ramírez Sánchez verheiratet, der besser als Carlos, "der Schakal" bekannt war und in den 1970er und 1980er Jahren für eine ganze Reihe von terroristischen Anschlägen i...
Julius Neubronner (1852-1932), a chemist and inventor from Kronberg was one of the first people to film in the Rhine-Main region. In 1903 he acquired his first film camera, an Ernemann "Kino" for 17.5...
Julius Neubronner (1852-1932), a chemist and inventor from Kronberg was one of the first people to film in the Rhine-Main region. In 1903 he acquired his first film camera, an Ernemann "Kino" for 17.5...
Julius Neubronner (1852-1932), a chemist and inventor from Kronberg was one of the first people to film in the Rhine-Main region. In 1903 he acquired his first film camera, an Ernemann "Kino" for 17.5...
Julius Neubronner (1852-1932), a chemist and inventor from Kronberg was one of the first people to film in the Rhine-Main region. In 1903 he acquired his first film camera, an Ernemann "Kino" for 17.5...
German movie poster of "5 Frauen" (2015/16)
Kaya Möller, Korinna Krauss, Odine Johne (from left to right) in "5 Frauen" (2015/16)
Korinna Krauss, Anna König, Julia Dietze, Odine Johne, Kaya Möller (from left to right) in "5 Frauen" (2015/16)
Odine Johne in "5 Frauen" (2015/16)
Anna König in "5 Frauen" (2015/16)
Anna König, Odine Johne, Kaya Möller, Korinna Krauss (from left to right) in "5 Frauen" (2015/16)
Kaya Möller, Stefano Cassetti, Korinna Krauss (from left to right) in "5 Frauen" (2015/16)
Korinna Krauss in "5 Frauen" (2015/16)
Following parts had to be removed:1) 5. act, title 47, "Halte es für ein großes Lob usw." (I regard this as a big laud and so on)2) 5. act, title number 48 up to the words "und was ist ihnen hier an...