Aberdeen High School for Girls - from the first day of infant class to prize-giving for senior pupils leaving school. All aspects of learning are recorded, with emphasis on drama, music and dance.
Présentation de Bruxelles par Toone et sa marionnette Woltje. Le film veut montrer la perennité des traditions, en mêlant les images actuelles aux peintures, sculptures, tapisseries du passé. Il i...
"The Farmer and I" (2013-16)
"The Farmer and I" (2013-16)
Sangay Rinchen in "The Farmer and I" (2013-16)
Sangay Rinchen, Irja von Bernstorff in "The Farmer and I" (2013-16)
Promotional film for Belgian industry in the post-war years.
Promotional film for Belgian industry in the post-war years.
Report about the anniversary day burgomaster Leon A. Bekaert organised in Zwevegem on July 21 1950, in which he paid homage to its employees. Bekaert was also head of the Bekaert Wireworks, which had ...
Ceremonies on the occasion of the coronation of Leopold III.
Communist propoganda film about the elections of 1946.
Communist propoganda film about the elections of 1946.
Promotional film on the Belgian breed of horses.
*Onze novembre franais. Dans toute la France, on clbre le 11 novembre en prsence des allis amricains et anglais. A Compigne, les troupes militaires, les coliers, les scouts, la Croix-Rouge rendent hom...
*Berlin se rend. Stumpff, Von Strigenberg et Keitel signent au Q.G. sovitique dans le faubourg de Berlin, la capitulation totale des armes allemandes. Les gnraux allis prsents, Taylor, Joukov, Spaks e...
*Berlin en ruines. Diffrentes vues de Berlin dans les premiers jours de l'occupation sovitique, la ville est en ruines. Certains difices sont encore sous la proie des flammes. Les civils tentent de db...