Der 12-jährige Ben und seine Familie sind gezwungen ihr Haus zu verlassen, da ihr Heimatdorf einem Braunkohletagebau weichen muss. Im Nachbarort finden sie ein neues Zuhause, in das sich Ben aber nur...
Weit. The Story of a Journey Around the World Patrick and Gwen from Freiburg take off towards the East as a couple, to return home from the West as a family, three and a half years and 97.000 kilomete...
Die Schweinezüchterin Emma lebt alleine auf ihrem abgeschiedenen Hof, wo sie ihre Schweine liebevoll großzieht und auf ihre ganz eigene, zärtliche Art schlachtet. Nicht zuletzt als Folge diese...
When young Marie loses her big love, she just wants to get far away. In her grief, the heartbroken girl joins the charity "Clowns 4Help" and travels to Japan, where she wants to help the victims of th...
When young Marie loses her big love, she just wants to get far away. In her grief, the heartbroken girl joins the charity "Clowns 4Help" and travels to Japan, where she wants to help the victims of th...
Cowboy considers himself to be a prodigious director and comes to Berlin in order to revolutionize the city's independent scene with his masterpiece "Acht Fäuste gegen Berlin". Yet the road to succes...
The film is full of contrasts. Corinth’s great past, shown by its ruins, seems to be replaced by a much less picturesque standard of living caused by poverty. A shepherd with his sheep is juxtapose...
Sobhi Awad, Yoran Leicher (front left to right), Anna Böttcher (back center) in "Zu weit weg" (2019)
Andreas Nickl, Anna König in "Zu weit weg" (2019)
Yoran Leicher (front) in "Zu weit weg" (2019)
Yoran Leicher, Sobhi Awad (left to right) in "Zu weit weg" (2019)
Yoran Leicher (left) in "Zu weit weg" (2019)
Yoran Leicher, Sobhi Awad (left to right) in "Zu weit weg" (2019)
German movie poster of "Zu weit weg" (2019)
Yoran Leicher, Sobhi Awad (left to right) in "Zu weit weg" (2019)