This is the story of two children, Voula and Alexandros, who do not know who their father is but are determined to find out. During their search, they are helped by a theater troupe and a truck driver...
The life of the Greek and Turkish inhabitants of Sinassos in Cappadocia is featured in this documentary, which is enriched by the inhabitants’ testimonies and interviews. The documentary features ev...
This is a series of intersecting stories. A petty crook and former lover of a lazy ingénue steals the box-office receipts from the Odeon of Herodus Atticus, on the day an important football game is a...
Alexandros (Bruno Ganz) is a seriously ill writer who is working on Dionysios Solomos’ unfinished work entitled “The Free Besieged”. He is searching for a linguistic and existential identity. He...
A movie director takes a tour of the turbulent Balkan peninsula, and, like another Ulysses, he makes a return trip through memory and the skeins of recent history. A quest involving the old Greek urba...
Deux femmes et un homme agé marchent sur un chemin. Vues à l'intérieur d'une salle à manger. Six ou sept personnes sont attablées. Une femme installe des verres sur la table. Portrait d'un homme ...
Første bånd:INDHOLD: LA div. 33 rl. 1: NFP 80 -1:00:02:00 Tekst: Det kgl. københavnske Skydeselskab og danske Broderskab. ARkiv for billeder og film. 00:02:10 Lystfugleskydninger på Vesterbro 1931...
Ensemble de sept documents tournés juste après la signature des accords Blum-Byrnes, entre les gouvernements français et américains, autorisant la projection massive des films américains sur le t...