At midnight, on a deserted Athenian street, a beautiful woman named Eleni Chalkia is fatally stabbed by a stranger, who immediately disappears into the shadows. The murderer is Ioannis Zachos (Manos L...
In 1936, the balance between centrist and right-wing political forces that support the Metaxas regime is undermined by the hostage-taking of lawyer and right-wing MP Kontaxis. In a square, a union mem...
Sakaflias and Nakas (Sotiris Fountas and Telemachos Emmanouil) are two tough guys living in Trikala in the interwar period, who are fighting for the love of a woman named Lenio (Dora Sitzani). When a ...
New Year’s Eve, 1977. Somewhere in the mountains of northern Greece a group of socially prominent hunters - an industrialist, a politician, a military officer, a construction magnate, a former Prefe...
An 18-year-old boy (Alkis Kourkoulos) leaves his home in search of Skiachtra, an enchanted girl-fairy he met one night by the river. He sets off on an adventure that turns out to be a journey of initi...
An inmate of an asylum for conscientious objectors is released from the institute after 20 years of confinement. He wanders about in a place that doesn’t remind him of anything from the past, and ev...