Autre(s) titre(s): ASTERO
Genre: Feature Film
Année: 1929
Description: In a village in the Peloponnese, on the slopes of Mt. Chelmos, lives rich sheep owner Mitros with his wife Asimina, his son Thymios and adopted daughter Astero. The children love each other, but Mitros betroths Astero to Stamos, another rich sheep owner. When Stamos is killed and Astero loses her mind, Mitros, watching his son wither away, tells him that his entire fortune is Astero’s and urges him to marry her. The plot is an adaptation of the well-known story “Ramona”.
10. STAMOS IS ENCHANTED BY ASTERO, WHILE THYMIOS DECLARES HIS LOVE FOR ASTERO TO MITROS, WHO THREATENS TO DISINHERIT HIM Astero combs her long hair. She is alone by the waterfalls. On seeing Stamos, she runs away. Astero plaits her hair. Thymios creeps up to her from behind. He sits beside her and tells her that his father sends him to Athens on business. She will have to wait for him. He can't live away from her. Further up the cobbled road, Mitros sees the two young people hugging each other. He gives them a shout and throws his walking cane at them.Thymios declares his love for Astero to his father. The old man refuses to take the poor orphan girl as his daughter-in-law. He threatens to disinherit his son. Astero, sitting at the loom, listens to uncle-Mitros's threats. (COBBLED ROAD – MOUNTAINSIDE, 1929)
11. ASTERO AVOIDS STAMOS, WHO MAKES REPEATED ATTEMPTS TO GET CLOSE TO HER, AND WHEN THYMIOS ASKS HER TO ELOPE AT THE RISK OF HIS FATHER DISINHERITING HIM, SHE DISCARDS HIM PRETENDING THAT SHE LOVES ANOTHER MAN Carrying a little lamb on his shoulders, Stamos walks up to Astero in the doorway. He places the lamb down at her feet. Brimming with grievance, Astero cries bitterly with silent tears. She wipes her tears on the animal's coat. Filled with disappointment, Stamos watches the scene from a distance. Following Astero as she climbs the dangerous rocks, Thymios asks her to go away together and get married. Sacrificing her love, she tells him with tears in her eyes that she loves another man. Thymios blames himself for having loved a socially inferior girl, a housemaid. He tells her goodbye. He will try to forget her. (UNCLE-MITROS' S HOUSE – MOUNTAINSIDE, 1929)
12. STAMOS ASKS MITROS FOR ASTERO’S HAND IN MARRIAGE AND THE WEDDING IS ANNOUNCED Stamos and uncle-Mitros leave the field and head for the village spring. While the old man is quenching his thirst, Stamos asks Mitros for Astero's hand in marriage. Despite certain reservations, the old man eventually gives his consent and Stamos rushes to announce the happy event. (FIELD - VILLAGE SPRING, 1929)
13. ASTERO’S WEDDING WITH STAMOS – ASTERO HAS A PREMONITION OF BAD NEWS AND FINDS STAMOS DEAD FOR NO APPARENT REASON Astero's wedding with Stamos. The villagers throw rice over their heads. Thymios wishes Astero true happiness. Preparations for the Easter feasting. The skinning of lambs. The raising of wine glasses. The villagers wish one another. All by herself in the church, Astero says a prayer: "God save us from disaster!". At night a dog barks without cease. Between the rocks and by the dog she finds Stamos dead. Astero mourns over him. (OUTSIDE THE CHURCH – INSIDE THE CHURCH - ROCKS ON THE MOUNTAINSIDE, 1929)
14. ON THE EVE OF EASTER SUNDAY, ASTERO IS STILL IN MOURNING OVER STAMOS On the Eve of Easter Sunday the villagers wish one another. The bell rings. Astero is in tears and has Stamos's blood on her face. Over the man's body, with the look of a raving lunatic on her face, Astero covers her ears to the sound of the bell. She crosses herself. (OUTSIDE A CHURCH – ROCKS ON A MOUNTAINSIDE, 1929)
15. THYMIOS FEELS DEEP MELANCHOLY OVER ASTERO AND UNCLE-MITROS REVEALS THE WHOLE TRUTH ABOUT ASTERO’S INHERITANCE Thymios cries bitterly with silent lips at the window. At the sight of his son withering away, the old man has a change of heart and decides to tell him "the secret burning his lips".All, their farm and their earth belong to Astero. Father and son decide to find her and give her all that she belongs. (MITROS' HOUSE, 1929)
16. OUT OF HER MIND, ASTERO ROAMS AROUND THE COUNTRY, WHILE THYMIOS AND UNCLE MITROS LOOK FOR HER In the dark of the night, Astero roams around the country, out of her mind with distress. The landscape seems distorted. She feels dizzy and collapses over some bushes. Riding mules, in the freezing night, uncle-Mitros and Thymios look for Astero. They ask at every fold and village in the area. None of the villagers knows what has happened to Astero, Stamos' widow. (MOUNTAIN – FOLD – VILLAGE, 1929)
17. THYMIOS AND MITROS FIND OUT ABOUT ASTERO’S WHEREABOUTS 41. One night, the two travelers, frozen stiff with cold, arrive at the Monastery of Mega Spilaio. They are given shelter by the monks. 42. In the morning they leave the Monastery. 43. Crossing the river, they ask a woman spinning her yarn. She replies that they brought in a woman the day before. (THE MONASTERY OF MEGALO SPILAIO – A RIVER, 1929)
18. THYMIOS AND MITROS FIND ASTERO AND GET BACK TO THE VILLAGE TOGETHER The two travelers find Astero in a house up a mountain village. She stares at them blankly without recognizing them. Everyone's face around her looks sorrowful. Thymios cries at her knees. Along treacherous mountain paths, the three of them make their way back to the place that once held promises of happiness for the loving couple. In the fields with almond trees in full bloom, Astero picks flowers with silent lips and a madwoman's look on her face. The fairy-like women's chorus and Thymios watch her, full of compassion for her suffering. (A MOUNTAIN VILLAGE – MOUNTAIN PATHS – FIELDS, 1929)
19. UNCLE MITROS’S REPENTANCE Mitros climbs up to the church at the top. He lights a candle and prays to God to restore the girl's health in exchange for his life. (THE CHURCH, 1929)
2. MODERN ATHENS COMPARED TO THE AGE-OLD MONUMENTS AND SCENERY OF GREECE Modern Athens compared to the age-old monuments and Scenery of Greece. (ATHENS – THE ACROPOLIS – THE COUNTRYSIDE, 1929)
20. THE END – ASTERO IS WELL AGAIN AND REUNITES WITH THYMIOS Thymios plays his flute in the dark of the night. Just like the old times. A flock of sheep are in their pen. A boat is crossing the river in the night. Astero is at the window, listening to music just like she used to. Enchanted by the melody, she goes off in a trance to meet the source of sound. At the waterfalls, she meets Thymios, who looks at her in astonishment. She recognizes him. They hug. Hugging each other by the waterfalls (where the water of immortality flows?), the couple is blessed by the father. The women's chorus, with the moonstruck dressed in women's clothes, share in the happiness felt by the lovers and the old father. (RIVER – MITROS' HOUSE – WATERFALLS, 1929)
Fournisseur: Tainiothiki tis Ellados
Droits: In Copyright
Société de production: NTAGK FILM
Type de document:
Recueil: Ψηφιοποιημένες ελληνικές ταινίες μυθοπλασίας