Lene, Barfrau in einer kleinen Kellerbar, kehrt nach einer Auszeit zu ihrem Job zurück. Ihr erster Arbeitstag ist ein besonderer Tag, denn der Kopenhagener Musiker Leif gibt auf Lenes Anregung hin ei...
Eva und Rocco haben fünf gute Freunde zum Abendessen eingeladen. Bei gutem Essen, Wein und angeregten Unterhaltungen verläuft alles nach altbekanntem Muster - bis Eva, inspiriert durch eine Diskussi...
In der Reihe 'Lecture & Film: Ernst Lubitsch' hielt Valerie A. Weinstein, Ph.D. von der University of Cincinnati am 15. Dezember 2016 im Kino des Deutschen Filmmuseums, Frankfurt den Vortrag "Performi...
Der Rentner Pierre war in jungen Jahren ein echter Lebemann. Mit den Jahren aber ist ein etwas missgelaunter älterer Herr aus ihm geworden, der sich in ein einsames Seniorenleben zurückgezogen hat -...
Helene Hegemanns Verfilmung ihres eigenen Romans "Axolotl Roadkill". Im Mittelpunkt steht die 16-jährige Mifti, die seit dem Tod ihrer Mutter mit ihren älteren Halbgeschwistern Anika und Edmond in B...
In der Reihe WAS TUT SICH – IM DEUTSCHEN FILM? präsentiert das Kino des Deutschen Filmmuseums einmal im Monat ein aktuelles Werk. Am 11. Juni 2014 stellte Johannes Naber seinen Film "Zeit der Kanni...
Drama in which two kidnapped persons, employees of a diamond cutting establishment, chase their kidnappers, a mine owner and his lover.
International newsreel with ten different elements, among them a fashion show in Paris, followed by different shows and demonstrations of airship, planes, motorcycles, cars, tractors and other farm ma...
Melodrama in which the rich and arrogant George promises to give money to the penniless Frank and Jane, on the condition that he could spend the night with Jane. She agrees with this, hoping to save h...
A documentary film on recent Norwegian history (1905-1955). Spanning from the break with Sweden and arrival of the new king Haakon VII, to the promise of things to come through such new fields as spac...
The farmer's daughter and her young man spend idyllic moments in the countryside, riding in a buggy and then rowing on the lake. The girl plucks a daisy: "He loves me, he loves me not..." but of cours...
A woman, concerned about the continual absences of her husband, commissions a detective to follow him and report back to her. At first glance this appears to be a classic fictional device, all the mor...
Film documenting a tortuous series of cavalry exercises. It includes a harrowing sequence of horses descending steep hills and cliffs and jumping into the water. Film restored in collaboration w...
Suzanne and the prince of Sylvania fall in love with each other, but this is forbidden. Suzanne is thrown out of the house, gives birth to an illegitimate child, goes mad and dies before she can see h...
As producer, actor and filmmaker, Richard Massingham managed to combine his passion for film and medical science.
A cartoon combining drawings and live footage, in which a drawing comes to life while its author isn't there. The film's director began as a political cartoonist and in 1914 founded Bray Studios, amon...
Reportage about Austrian war ships and submarines. Images of life on board of the ship 'Tegetthof', navigation (with log and sextant), signals with flags, a torpedo boat flottilla at full speed and t...
Film used against itself, in an essay on the entanglement of mistery and religious merchandising where the kino-spirit rules instead of the kino-eye.