The wooden huts of the hospital show various bomb blasts but little fire damage. Four coffins, covered in Union Jacks, are wheeled on trollies by soldiers. A single coffin, also covered with a Union J...
Panorama taken from high ground over the town of Epernay in France, 7 June 1918.
Portrait shots of the pilots against their Nieuport 28c aircraft. (The squadron 'Hat in the Ring' badge is clearly visible on the side.) First is Major Huffer, then Major Raoul Lufberry, then both tog...
The ceremony takes place in a field, with men of Plumer's staff watching as he pins medals for bravery onto women officers of the Queen Alexandra's First Aid Nursing Yeomanry and the Voluntary Aid Det...
General Sir Herbert Plumer, GOC Second Army (back to camera) presents medals to a line of four British nurses in a field near Blendecques, Western Front, 26 June 1918.
The men put on their equipment, showing very clearly how full marching pack and equipment was worn. They assemble by their bell tents and, led by two regimental colours (standards) and their band, the...
6th Battalion, the Black Watch of 51st (Highland) Division collecting the men's packs between the Bois de Reims and St-Imoges, having just come out of line on 24 July. 1/5th Battalion, the Devonshire ...
A Cavalry troop makes a charge across the face of the camera, thrusting with swords or lances at sacks stuffed with straw on the ground. All the demonstrators are riding light, without bandoliers, val...