The film forms a contrast to the number of canting pictures or the silence existing round the period of the first six months after a child has been born. It takes up some of the problems that three di...
Before the revolution, it served as a regular prison for Batista's political adversaries. The patients confined there lived a life in incredible misery. We visited the hospital on a hot day in July 19...
So close to the source is the jumping dancing stream of colours that no forms or shapes can be captured. The thunder of creation is so loud, so strong, that the joy of movement foreshadow future possi...
It's a video installation; it's a long journey into a broom shrub. It's a trudging about in a broom shrub; the camera looks for the correct route. The edge lay on the camera's lens. Bees grow immensel...
Rasa kan pakke 12 poser salat på 4.5 sekunder. Hun er en 21-årig no-bullshit muslimsk tomboy, som bruger sin tid på at tage sig af sin nedslidte far og hænge ud med kollegerne fra salatfabrikken. ...
Popular although acidly satirical novelist Leif Panduro's last novel (1975) turned into broad-beamed family film fare: a circuit judge is saddled with a roaming wife; a drop-out son; a nasty girl-frie...
In part 7 "Die neuesten amerikanischen Modeschöpfungen für den Sport" (the brand new fashion creation for sports) the close-up of the girl in the bathing costume had to be removed.In Part 8 "Das Rei...
Following parts had to be removed:1) 3. act, title 11 the words "Bei Tage haben Sie keine Zeit, bei Nacht kann er nicht" (Daytimes you don´t have time, at night he is engaged)2) 4. act, title 199 the...
Valdemar Psilander
Still from "Herrn Arnes Schatz"
Mary Johnson, Richard Lund
Mary Johnson, Richard Lund
Mauritz Stiller (on the left) on set
Still from "Ich gab Dich zum Pfande"
Still from "Ich gab Dich zum Pfande"
Victor Sjöström
Unedited fragments, the first trials of the young cinematographer Gaston Schoukens.
Semaine 1960/30 - 11 sujets. 1) PARIS: A l'occasion de la Fête nationale du 14 juillet, un défilé militaire a lieu sur les Champs-Elysées, en présence du général de Gaulle : chars, élèves des...
Documentary about the history of the Belgium-Congo route, made on the occasion of the thousandth flight.
01 – Salone (Torino, 20-22/09/1968) A Torino, il ministro delle poste e telecomunicazioni Angelo De Luca inaugura il 18° Salone internazionale della tecnica. Il senatore, accompagnato dall'in...
01 – Estero (Medio Oriente, 7/09/1970) Il servizio parla della difficile situazione in Medio Oriente, mentre scorrono immagini di trafficate città arabe, strade affollate di gente e piazze pi...
01 – Numero speciale. Le nostre inchieste ( Milano, 14-16/04/1969) Inaugurazione della 47° edizione della Fiera di Milano. Il presidente Saragat, con la scorta in motocicletta, giunge su una ...
"Montage de morceaux d'actualités "Gaumont" concernant l'aviation du début des années '10"