Following text part had to be removed:part 1 "Wieder 100 km Reichsautobahn" (again 100 km Reichsautobahn) from the words "da können diese Menschen" to "ja ganz anders".Part 2 of the newsreel "Die Lei...
Following parts had to be removed:1) 1.act - Can can -scene2) 2. act: dialog scene from "Seidene Hosen" (Silk trousers) to "geh schon, ich muss mich anziehen" (Now go, I´ve to get dressed)3) 4. act: ...
The 2. part of the film, about the 100 years anniversary of the German "Reichsbahn" (railway), had to be removed, beginning by the speech of the Reichskanzler (means Adolf Hitler). After the cut the f...
Following parts had to be removed:1) "Empfang der KdF Urlauber in Neapel" (Reception of the KdF vacationers in Naples)2) "Viktor Lutze-Gepäckmarsch in Dortmund" (Viktor Lutze-baggage march in Dortmun...
2 scenes had to be removed:1) 4th act: scene, where a picture of "Adolf Hitler" on the wall is shown.2) 4th act: scene in the coffee house, dialogue list number 76-89.After the cuts the film was permi...
Part 8 of the newsreel "Während der Gaukulturtage stattete Reichsminister Dr. Goebbels der freien Stadt Danzig einen Besuch ab" (Dr. Goebbels visits the town Danzig)had to be removed.After the shorta...
Following parts had to be removed:1) Eröffnung der Deutschen Buchwoche (opening of the German week of books)2) Richtfest zum Haus des deutschen Rechts (topping-out ceremony of the house of the German...
Following part had to be removed:In the picture "Weihnachtsfeier mit Dr. Goebbels im Berliner Friedrichshafen" (Christmas party togehter with Dr. Goebbels in Berlin´s Friedrichshain) the part of Goeb...
"Above and Below" (2012-14)
Szene aus "Noise and Resistance"
Hendrik Heutmann, Martina Schöne-Radunski in "Love and 50 Megatons" (2019)
"Above and Below" (2012-14)
Natasja Juul in "Near and Elsewhere" (2018)
Irmin Schmidt in "Can and Me" (2022)
Unedited fragments, the first trials of the young cinematographer Gaston Schoukens.
Semaine 1960/30 - 11 sujets. 1) PARIS: A l'occasion de la Fête nationale du 14 juillet, un défilé militaire a lieu sur les Champs-Elysées, en présence du général de Gaulle : chars, élèves des...
Documentary about the history of the Belgium-Congo route, made on the occasion of the thousandth flight.
01 – Salone (Torino, 20-22/09/1968) A Torino, il ministro delle poste e telecomunicazioni Angelo De Luca inaugura il 18° Salone internazionale della tecnica. Il senatore, accompagnato dall'in...
01 – Estero (Medio Oriente, 7/09/1970) Il servizio parla della difficile situazione in Medio Oriente, mentre scorrono immagini di trafficate città arabe, strade affollate di gente e piazze pi...
01 – Numero speciale. Le nostre inchieste ( Milano, 14-16/04/1969) Inaugurazione della 47° edizione della Fiera di Milano. Il presidente Saragat, con la scorta in motocicletta, giunge su una ...
"Montage de morceaux d'actualités "Gaumont" concernant l'aviation du début des années '10"