Following text part had to be removed:part 1 "Wieder 100 km Reichsautobahn" (again 100 km Reichsautobahn) from the words "da können diese Menschen" to "ja ganz anders".Part 2 of the newsreel "Die Lei...
Following parts had to be removed:1) 1.act - Can can -scene2) 2. act: dialog scene from "Seidene Hosen" (Silk trousers) to "geh schon, ich muss mich anziehen" (Now go, I´ve to get dressed)3) 4. act: ...
The 2. part of the film, about the 100 years anniversary of the German "Reichsbahn" (railway), had to be removed, beginning by the speech of the Reichskanzler (means Adolf Hitler). After the cut the f...
Following parts had to be removed:1) "Empfang der KdF Urlauber in Neapel" (Reception of the KdF vacationers in Naples)2) "Viktor Lutze-Gepäckmarsch in Dortmund" (Viktor Lutze-baggage march in Dortmun...
2 scenes had to be removed:1) 4th act: scene, where a picture of "Adolf Hitler" on the wall is shown.2) 4th act: scene in the coffee house, dialogue list number 76-89.After the cuts the film was permi...
Part 8 of the newsreel "Während der Gaukulturtage stattete Reichsminister Dr. Goebbels der freien Stadt Danzig einen Besuch ab" (Dr. Goebbels visits the town Danzig)had to be removed.After the shorta...
Following parts had to be removed:1) Eröffnung der Deutschen Buchwoche (opening of the German week of books)2) Richtfest zum Haus des deutschen Rechts (topping-out ceremony of the house of the German...
Following part had to be removed:In the picture "Weihnachtsfeier mit Dr. Goebbels im Berliner Friedrichshafen" (Christmas party togehter with Dr. Goebbels in Berlin´s Friedrichshain) the part of Goeb...
Volker Michalowski, Veronica Ferres, Gael GarcÃa Bernal (in the front from left to right) in "Salt and Fire" (2015/16)
Irja von Bernstorff (second from the right), Sangay Rinchen (on the right) in "The Farmer and I" (2013-16)
"Blown Away - Music, Miles and Magic" (2019)
"Blown Away - Music, Miles and Magic" (2019)
German movie poster of "Blown Away - Music, Miles and Magic" (2019)
"Blown Away - Music, Miles and Magic" (2019)
"Blown Away - Music, Miles and Magic" (2019)
"Blown Away - Music, Miles and Magic" (2019)
Der Film wurde anlässlich der 4. Weltfestspiele der Jugend und Studenten 1953 in Bukarest gedreht. erzählt wird die Geschichte eines Abiturienten, der in einem sozialistischen Jugendkollektiv in der...
Čitavih mesec dana je junak iz borbi na Kosovu i kod Bitolja iz Prvog Balkanskog rata, komandant Moravske divizije II poziva, pukovnik Milovan Nedić, vodio bespoštednu borbu sa Bugarima koja se n...
Marie Daulne er en del af og den drivende kraft i musik- og sanggruppen Zap Mama. Hun bor i Zaïre, men har også stærke rødder i Belgien. Hun tilhører to kulturer. Hendes far, der blev dræbt af o...
"Det forbudte landshold" er en exceptionel dokumentarfilm, der pÃ¥ allernærmeste hold følger de svære forberedelser og den ukuelige og til tider absurde kamp for - imod alle tænkelige odds - at fÃ...
Dr. Parnassus og hans ekstraordinære oplevelses Imaginarium, rejser rundt og stiller publikum over for en række uimodståelige valg. Men til trods for Parnassus evne til at fornemme andre menneskers...
»Safe Condition, Document in the Past Perfect" af billedkunstneren Lars Mathisen er en kunstvideo, som også kan bruges i uddannelsessektoren. Videoens råmateriale består af redigerede optagelser f...
Eisensteins to film om Ivan, der som den første russiske zar samlede Rusland i det 16. århundrede og måtte kæmpe drabelige slag mod bojarerne for at nå dette mål. "Et zardømme uden frygt er som...
Christian IX (b. 1818) died 29 January 1906. He was king of Denmark for 42 years. With his many family ties to the royal houses of Europe, he was known as 'Europe's father-in-law'. After castrum dolor...