An impressionistic account of the attractions that Aberdeen and Deeside offer the summer visitor.
Crowning Ceremony at Newmills, Torryburn and Crombie Gala Day.
Footage of sand racing, and coverage of the first post-war car hill climb race held at Rest and Be Thankful, organised by the Royal Scottish Automobile Club, St Andrews.
Steel making processes at Glengarnock Iron and Steel works.
The Forth and Clyde Canal's operations on its last year of use.
Hostels at Loch Ard, Inverbeg and Rowardennan, with footage of hostellers climbing Ben Lomond and the Cobbler, canoeing on Loch Lomond and enjoying a dance.
The sculptor Benno Schotz at work in his studio in Glasgow, and demonstrating his technique. The film examines his working methods and the themes running through his work. Much of his work is as a m...
A football match between Elgin City and an unidentified team, and the Inspection and Presentation of Colours of the Boys' Brigade (Inverness Battalion).
Crown prince Georg (third on the left) in the field, 1915
Crown prince Georg (third on the left) in the field, 1915
4996 - Aisne 1918 German corpse Stereoscopic glass plate from a private collection in Alsace-Lorraine.
The Last Supper Germany, 1933. On the day Adolf Hitler seizes power, the Jewish family Glickstein gathers for dinner in Berlin. Of course, political developments are a central topic of discussion - bu...
Čitavih mesec dana je junak iz borbi na Kosovu i kod Bitolja iz Prvog Balkanskog rata, komandant Moravske divizije II poziva, pukovnik Milovan Nedić, vodio bespoštednu borbu sa Bugarima koja se n...
Marie Daulne er en del af og den drivende kraft i musik- og sanggruppen Zap Mama. Hun bor i Zaïre, men har også stærke rødder i Belgien. Hun tilhører to kulturer. Hendes far, der blev dræbt af o...
"Det forbudte landshold" er en exceptionel dokumentarfilm, der pÃ¥ allernærmeste hold følger de svære forberedelser og den ukuelige og til tider absurde kamp for - imod alle tænkelige odds - at fÃ...
Dr. Parnassus og hans ekstraordinære oplevelses Imaginarium, rejser rundt og stiller publikum over for en række uimodståelige valg. Men til trods for Parnassus evne til at fornemme andre menneskers...
»Safe Condition, Document in the Past Perfect" af billedkunstneren Lars Mathisen er en kunstvideo, som også kan bruges i uddannelsessektoren. Videoens råmateriale består af redigerede optagelser f...
Eisensteins to film om Ivan, der som den første russiske zar samlede Rusland i det 16. århundrede og måtte kæmpe drabelige slag mod bojarerne for at nå dette mål. "Et zardømme uden frygt er som...
Christian IX (b. 1818) died 29 January 1906. He was king of Denmark for 42 years. With his many family ties to the royal houses of Europe, he was known as 'Europe's father-in-law'. After castrum dolor...