A working-class neighborhood in Piraeus is the setting for the story of a hard-working young man (Giorgos Fountas) who finds himself entangled in illegal dealings with a fraudster (Stefanos Stratigos)...
Mrs. Leni (Rena Vlachopoulou), a widow, down on her luck, is working as a cleaning lady at a big hotel trying to support herself and a daughter who is studying in the US. At the hotel she meets a rich...
Lead by Alexandros (Omero Antonuti), a group of thieves escape from prison. They take several aristocrats hostage, and, together with a few anarchists, they go to Alexandros’ village, where an admin...
Leon Stathis believes that as soon as he gets his degree he will automatically find a job. Alas! No company or organization will hire him without the right connections. While going door to door in sea...
The film is about the well-known “Polk case”, involving the murder of the American journalist George Polk, who had come to Greece to interview Markos Vafeiadis and was found dead under mysterious ...
Two pirate radio stations, one of which plays popular songs and the other one rock music, compete for first place in the ratings. The competition gradually becomes rougher and rougher, but suddenly th...
Andreas (Faidon Georgitsis) is a blind shepherd and the only man living in the village Platanos, since all the other men have abandoned the place in search of work in Athens. The village women treat h...
Unemployed Michalis (Stathis Psaltis) accidentally ends up in a psychiatric clinic. His doctor (Giannis Vogiatzis) sees that the young man is harmless and completely healthy. Regardless of this fact, ...