The celebrations involve an Italian contingent parade and marchpast, chiefly of the field guns, watched by the contingent's commander, General di Robillant. A posed group of General Peppino Garibaldi,...
I. Queenstown. Low-angle medium shot from small craft crossing bows of three US destroyers moored together in the harbour with a paddle minesweeper - two of the ships are USS Duncan (46) and USS Stere...
(Reel 1) Opening sequence of aerial shots showing a convoy and escort vessels. Cut to "The Making of the Men" - Nautical College, Pangbourne, HMS Worcester, HMS Medway, HMS Arethusa. Scenes showing ca...
(Reel 1) Their work on shore, preparing a mined anti-submarine net - wire splicing, making nets, fitting floats, detonators, etc. Work on the water - Lowestoft drifter loads netting and cable. Two typ...
(Reel 1) Searchlight battery at night - beams weave about and spotlight moored destroyers. Admirals Beatty and Rodman onboard HMS Queen Elizabeth. Scenes onboard HMS Canada - divine service (Glorious ...
Medium long shot silhouette off starboard bow of HMS Malaya steaming with guns trained over the beam - the cameraship changes its bearing during the sequence from starboard bow to dead ahead to port b...
The British fleet awaits its visitors - among the attendant ships are Colossus and Bellerophon Class battleships, HMS Neptune, and Warrior and Minotaur Class armoured cruisers. HMS Canada: "A link in ...
(Reel 1) Aerial view of Cranwell. Medium close-up of Commodore Luce; instruction of trainee ground crew and probationary flight officers; wireless school; gunnery practice with Maxim MG and Lewis on s...
Janda (smith) in the uniform of Czechoslovak volunteer from Italy.
Tomeš kisses the flag.
An ilustrative part: Unknown soldier chokes Austrian eagle.
An illustrative part: An unknown soldier carries a woman - symbol of Slavic patriotism.
The battle of Zborov: Captured Austrian soldiers run in the trench.
Two Austrian soldiers give up without a fight to Russians.
Five men sit on logs in front of a barn. From the left: Janda (smith) and his son, Bárta (laborer) and his son and Jeník Tomeš. Nearby Jeník stands his father - Tomeš sen. Sons are dressed in the...
Three men in front of a barn. From the left: Janda (smith), Tomeš (farmer) and Bárta (laborer).
O. Verf.. "Filmempfehlungen der Lichtbilderei GmbH M.Gladbach." Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie III,7 (1913/1917). Die genannten Filme (Quo Vadis, Die Jungfrau von Orle...
Rennert, Malwine. „Gabriele d'Annunzio als Filmdichter.“ Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie, III, 9/10 (1913/1914): 210-213. Rennert lobt den Film über alle Maßen, w...
O. Verf.. „Ein Kinematographengesetz in Württemberg.“ Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie, III, 3/4 (1913/1914): 73. Jeder Film, der öffentlich vorgeführt werde, mü...
K.W., Kino, Krieg und Kirche, Der Kinematograph, 465, (1915), S. 15-16. Bericht über die preußische Generalsynode, in der das Kino als verderblich angegriffen wurde. Der Verfasser entgegnet, dass di...
National Film G.m.b.H. "Wir Barbaren", Der Kinematograph, 439, (1915), S. 20-22. Rezension einer Komödie, die die französische Propaganda gegen Deutschland aufgreift.
Joniak, Nikolaus: „Der Kino und die Mässigkeitsbewegung.“ Der Kinematograph 395 (1914). Das Kino sei nicht nur kein Feind der Sittlichkeit, sondern stehe sogar der Trunksucht als Quelle aller mor...
Kriegsbilder-Revuen, Der Kinematograph, 419, (1915), S. 13. Die Aufnahmen, die das Volk vom Krieg zu sehen bekomme, seien oft nicht informativ genug, weil sie aus Zensurgründen gekürzt seien. Es sei...