During the war, from 1914 to 1918, a cable-operated funicular railway built by the company Etcheverry is loaded with boxes of ammunition and tested in the open countryside at ground level and over wat...
In Vincennes, the members of the Studies and Technical Experiments section of the Invention Department attend the test destruction of barbed-wire networks by a Latil tractor. In a meadow on the outski...
An account of the Battle of Verdun through a montage of archive images, to the glory of the soldiers.
Raymond Poincaré visits Russia from July 13 to 23, 1914. Arriving in a yacht, the Tsar and Raymond Poincaré inspect the troops, greet the Empress, then attend a parade of artillery, Cossacks, and th...
In 1921, following the World War I armistice, the Allies occupy a section of German territory in order to obtain war reparations. The French troops are situated in the Rhenish territory, whose first F...
In 1917, in Paris, the sidewalks in front of the movie theaters are packed. On a quieter street, two soldiers from the colonial forces negotiate with a prostitute in front of a brothel.
In 1917, during World War I, street vendors sell the contents of their carts in the streets of Paris.
On July 4, 1920, at Iéna Square in Paris, officials place flowers a the foot of Washington's statue then give speeches. Next, troops march down President Wilson Avenue and war orphans parade down Cha...
Hammering nails into flagpole of Czech legion and ceremonial blessing of the flag (28th September 1914) in Kiev.
Ceremonial blessing of the flag (28th September 1914) of Czech legion in Kiev.
Mobilization in Great Britain. Ceremonial march of British military band in traditional fur hats.
Mobilization in Germany: Train with military equipment rides on front.
Czechoslovak volunteers are welcome in Chicago expants living in the USA.
A general view of the events in front of the snow-covered railway station in Irkutsk.
Smoking soldier at the door wagon with the inscription "Gunsmith wokshop, 3rd Regiment."
Technical troops maintained in good repair railway tracks - covering the underside of rails.
Der Zensur ist tot- es lebe die Zensur !, Der Kinematograph, 623, (1918), S. 17-18. Die Abschaffung der Zensur stelle Filmemacher vor die Frage, was derzeit erlaubt sei und was nicht. Es solle keine Z...
Filzinger, Wolfgang: "Filmaufnahmen im Schützengraben". Veröffentlichungsort und -zeitpunkt des Artikels ist unklar.