After five years of war and hardship, young people need a distraction from the dreary atmosphere of the devastated villages. In Aisne, the reconstruction is slow. The American Committee decides to adv...
In front of Landricourt's temporary church, a crowd attends the baptism of a bell that will replace the one destroyed during WWI. The new bell was donated by the Poetry Society of America in memory of...
In June 1919 at the Mailly military camp, tanks carry out traction tests on rough terrain while Marshal Pétain looks on.
Lieutenant Lender and Paul Heldelberg present the "Piloteur" to the Invention Department's Technical Aeronautic Committee. Using this device, which is anchored to the ground, student pilots can learn...
In a field, soldiers, officers, civilians, and Jules-Louis Breton, members of the Invention Department Committee, study different types of machine guns designed to be fired at tanks.
The Higher Invention Committee examines the Chilowsky shrapnel to increase the power of projectiles.
A group of officers and civilians attends the assembly and test-firing of the 240mm Trench Mortar.
The department of inventions, studies, and technical experiments on powders and explosives carries out test explosions off Toulon. The technical and scientific team prepares the experiment aboard a bo...
An Austrian soldier in underwear, three Russian soldiers around him.
Reunion of families after war. In the middle stand Tomeš, Janda and Bárta in uniforms of volunteers. Women sit behind and sons talk with fathers.
Volunteer Bárta (laborer) encounters his wife.
Volunteer Janda (smith) in Italian uniform encounters his family after the end of the war.
Janda´s son in the apron and volunteer Janda in Italian uniform.
From the left: Volunteer Bárta in French uniform, volunteer Janda in Italian uniform.
Tomeš encounters his wife and son after the return from the war. Tomeš hugs his son. His wife stands nearby and smiles at Janda and Bárta.
From the left: Tomeš (Russian uniform), Bárta (French uniform) and Janda (Italian uniform). Volunteers rest during their coming home.
Die grosse Wette. Ein phantastisches Erlebnis aus dem Jahre 2000, Der Kinematograph, 476, (1916), S. 17.
Kriegsanleihe-Filme, Der Kinematograph, 561, (1917), S. 14. Da "Der feldgraue Groschen" einen so durchschlagenden Erfolg hatte, seien noch weitere Filme zur Kriegsanleihe gedreht worden. "Hann, Hein u...
Scala-Film-Verleih GmbH, Der Hetman der Ukraine, Der Kinematograph, 581, (1918), S. 18-19. Die Anzeige geht auf den Sieg gegen Russland ein und erwähnt das Interesse des Publikums an der Geschichte d...
Lt. Ludwig Brauner, Das Kinogeschäft nach dem Kriege, Der Kinematograph, 505, (1916), S. 15-16. Prognose über das Kino nach dem Krieg. Das Krieg habe dem Kino zu einer breiten Anerkennung verholfen,...
Zensurwirrwarr !, Die Filmwelt, 12.Jg., 50, (1918), S. 12-20. Obwohl die Zensur durch Reichsgesetzgebung aufgehoben sei, würde die Zensur in Württemberg und Bayern weiterbestehen, in Berlin würden ...
Das Königliche Bild-und Filmamt und die Industrie, Der Kinematograph, 571, (1917). S. 22ff. Artikel über Verhandlungen des Bild-und Filmamtes mit Vertretern der Filmindustrie. Bufa zeige sich am Woh...
Kriegsanleihe-Filme, Der Kinematograph, 562, (1917), S. 28. Der Film "Der papierene Peter" wird als humorvoll und originell bewertet und werde seinem Zwecke gerecht.
Ludwig Brauner, Die kommende Geschmackswandlung, Der Kinematograph, 593, (1918), S. 15-16. Erörterung des Publikumsgeschmacks. Gegenwärtig sei vor allem Ablenkung vom Kriegsalltag gefragt, jedoch li...