I. (Reel 1) The Western Front 1916, re-edited sections of IWM 116 BATTLE OF THE ANCRE, using the same scenes and captions as the original, but not in the same order. This covers events in the middle p...
A schoolmaster drives a tram as a part-time job. Other men board lorries taking them to work part-time on farms on Sundays. They are "of all classes, from lawyers to navvies". People without local all...
The film stresses the need for part-time work to win the war. A schoolmaster drives a tram. Ladies make bandages, limb supports and other hospital items. Carpenters make crutches. Elderly part-time wo...
Several shots of pigs feeding from troughs (some but not all of these shots are used in IWM 447B). Various shots of people making bandages, artificial limbs and crutches (most material used in IWM 447...
The funeral of a nurse killed when one of the British military hospitals in France was bombed (deliberately, according to the film) by the Germans in their March offensive. The caption style which is ...
The film opens with Oxford Street in London and declares that "luxury shopping" is not helping the war effort. This is contrasted with the ways in which women do help: a mother looking after her two s...
The film opens with a German jackboot across the map of Alsace-Lorraine. An old couple in Alsatian costume read the news of the annexation and bemoan their fate while German officers strut outside the...
The young woman leaves her terraced house (section tinted blue) at 5am and takes the train to the factory (tinting ends). In the locker room she and the others change into overalls and boots, and cloc...
An Austrian soldier in underwear, three Russian soldiers around him.
Reunion of families after war. In the middle stand Tomeš, Janda and Bárta in uniforms of volunteers. Women sit behind and sons talk with fathers.
Volunteer Bárta (laborer) encounters his wife.
Volunteer Janda (smith) in Italian uniform encounters his family after the end of the war.
Janda´s son in the apron and volunteer Janda in Italian uniform.
From the left: Volunteer Bárta in French uniform, volunteer Janda in Italian uniform.
Tomeš encounters his wife and son after the return from the war. Tomeš hugs his son. His wife stands nearby and smiles at Janda and Bárta.
From the left: Tomeš (Russian uniform), Bárta (French uniform) and Janda (Italian uniform). Volunteers rest during their coming home.
Oscar Geller, Detektiv-Filme, Der Kinematograph, 593, (1918), S. 21-25. Eröterung der Krimiwelle. Man könne Krimis nicht einfach als Schund abtun. Auch wenn viele der frühen Krimis, maßgeblich aus...
Argus, Der rasende Roland von Euskirchen, Der Kinematograph, 582, (1918), S. 6. Entgegnung auf Vorwürfe des Euskirchener Volksblattes, das Kino sei sittenverderbend. Der Schriftleiter Werner Rats kö...
Der Lustspielfilm, Der Kinematograph, 490, (1916), S. 17-18. Bericht über die große Zahl an Komödien, die in den letzten Monaten erschienen seien.
Argus, Neuheiten auf dem Berliner Filmmarkte, Der Kinematograph, 562, (1917), S.18-27. Die Messter-Film-Aufnahmen vom Luftkämpfen stehen an erster Stelle und werden als sensationell bezeichnet.
Universum Filmverleih, Der ewige Frieden Pax Aeterna, Lichtbildbühne, 48, (1918), S. 68
Neutral Film, Die Welt ohne Hunger, Lichtbildbühne, 48, (1918), S. 3.
Kriegsanleihe-Filme, Der Kinematograph, 562, (1917), S. 28. Der Film "Der papierene Peter" wird als humorvoll und originell bewertet und werde seinem Zwecke gerecht.
Neuheiten auf dem Berliner Filmmarkte, Der Kinematograph, 559, (1917), S. 12-13. Rezension des von der Bufa herausgebrachten Films über den U-Boot-Krieg.