The battalion signallers form up in the courtyard and practise their semaphore. A company on parade fixes bayonets and is inspected by its company officer, following which the men march off. Men pract...
A young lady sits at her breakfast table drinking tea and reading the morning paper. She reads of a heavy fine imposed on someone caught watering nursery milk, and conjures up a vision of a sick child...
An unfinished stable at the hospital, "will you help the RSPCA to complete it ?". A group of three horses. A wounded horse being attended to at a mobile veterinary section near the front. Wounded hors...
The British reverse their Mark V Male tanks into a courtyard in the centre of the city, to the interest of the civilian crowd. The men perform maintenance on their tanks, while soldiers and armed Germ...
Film fragment of an Australian convoy of wounded on mule-drawn litters, led by a mule-drawn ambulance, making its way over dusty hills, possibly Palestine, 1916-1918.
A semi-posed group of Greek soldiers watches the camera in the centre of the town. The main post office is shown, guarded by Allied troops of varying nationalities, mainly French.
Newsreel item o...
A Serbian officer scans the distance with binoculars as the French gunners set the fuses on their field gun's shells and fire a round. (The caption says the gun is a 75mm, but it appears to be an obso...
The men prepare to fire the gun, elevating the barrel. Then they are shown posed for the camera standing on and around the gun.
American gunners with a French 400mm railway gun, probably near Mai...
Mother of Jiří Voldán (actress: Marie Ptáková) between two policemen in uniforms. Behind her stands secret policeman.
A group of civilians and policemen. In the middle stands infantryman Kubík (actor: Václav Kubásek) on suit. Next to Kubík stands a woman on skirt and shawl.
Medium close-up of Nurse Mathilde (actress: Adina Mandlová), Lieutenant Rjepkin (actor: Vladimír Borský) in uniform, and his wife Lída (actress: Marie Rosůlková). The women are looking at each o...
Panorama of the city of Brno (one of the film's settings) with the cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul on the horizon.
Panorama of the city of Brno (one of the film's settings) with a railway station in the foreground and the top of Špilberk castle on the horizon. The cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul protrudes up o...
View of a doctor's office. Dr. Šrámek (actor: František Smolík) sits at a desk and Dr. Klíma (actor: Karel Veverka) sits opposite him with the newspaper Národní politika in his hand. On the des...
Wide shot of a standing train occupied by Russian officers and regular soldiers. A group of Austrian soldiers stands in front of the train. Several of them are wearing armbands of the Red Cross.
Medium shot of an operating room. Dr. Šrámek (actor: František Smolík) stands on the left with a syringe in his hand. Next to him are Dr. Klíma (actor: Karel Veverka) and Nurse Tonička (actress:...
Kino : ill. týden. pro hlediště : orgán Synd. film. autorů. – Vol. 1, No. 1 (March 1919) -35 (December 1919). -- Praha : Volné vydavatelství KINO, 1919. -- ISSN 1804-4301 Weekly paper of the ...
Československý film. – Vol. 1, No. 1 (16.12.1918)-Vol. 3, No. 12 (18.06.1921). -- V Praze : Syndikát československých půjčoven filmových : Československý film, sdružení českých výrobe...
Kino : ill. týden. pro hlediště : orgán Synd. film. autorů. -- Roč. 1, č. 1 (březen 1919)-35 (29.12.1919). -- Praha : Volné vydavatelství KINO, 1919. -- ISSN 1804-4301 Týdeník Syndikátu f...
Československý film. – Vol. 1, No. 1 (16.12.1918)-Vol. 3, No. 12 (18.06.1921). -- V Praze : Syndikát československých půjčoven filmových : Československý film, sdružení českých výrobe...
Kino : ill. týden. pro hlediště : orgán Synd. film. autorů. – Vol. 1, No. 1 (March 1919) -35 (December 1919). -- Praha : Volné vydavatelství KINO, 1919. -- ISSN 1804-4301 Weekly paper of the ...
Československý film. – Vol. 1, No. 1 (16.12.1918)-Vol. 3, No. 12 (18.06.1921). -- V Praze : Syndikát československých půjčoven filmových : Československý film, sdružení českých výrobe...
Československý film. – Vol. 1, No. 1 (16.12.1918)-Vol. 3, No. 12 (18.06.1921). -- V Praze : Syndikát československých půjčoven filmových : Československý film, sdružení českých výrobe...
Československý film. – Vol. 1, No. 1 (16.12.1918)-Vol. 3, No. 12 (18.06.1921). -- V Praze : Syndikát československých půjčoven filmových : Československý film, sdružení českých výrobe...