Newsreel items about (the consequences of) the First World War in France and the Belgian part of Flanders.
A reportage about the visit by the German Emperor Wilhelm II to the Ottoman Empire.
Reportage about a visit from the German emperor, during the First World War, to the front in Northern France and Ghent.
Corporate documentary about the coal industry In 1917, Filmfabriek Hollandia was commissioned to make a film about the state mines in Limburg. The film was directed by Jules Stoop, who since 1913 had ...
Compilation film in which Anthony Fokker is portrayed as an aviator, engineer, family man and animal friend.
Compilation of newsreel items about a train accident, images of flowers and a French military celebration.
A newsreel consisting mainly of mainly British news reports, including the sinking of the steamer Eastland, a demonstration of suffragettes, English soldiers, and a swimming and diving competition.
A newsreel with images from several other newsreels, including English soldiers, an operation of a French soldier, a train crash, a plane crash, a military funeral procession, and ice on the river Dni...
Still from "Gebrochene Schwingen"
Lissy Arna, Luis Trenker
Fritz Arno Wagner, Fritz Métain (links), G.W. Pabst (Mitte), André Saint-Germain (1.v.r.) (Dreharbeiten)
Still from "Die Strafgefangene Nr. 63. Unschuldig verurteilt"
Still from "Dämonit"
Paul Wegener
Still with Carl Clewing (front, on the left)
Paul Kronegg, Traute Carlsen, Franz Herterich (from left to right)
Eiko Film, Ich kenne keine Parteien mehr, Der Kinematograph, 406, (1914), S. 1. Werbeanzeige mit Hinweis auf "Beseitigung der Zensurschwierigkeiten".
Revolverjournalisten, Der Kinematograph, 683, (1920), S. 20-21. Bericht, dass Filme auch in der Tagespresse eine immer stärkere Aufmerksamkeit erzeugen würden. Viele Zeitungen seien dazu übergegang...