The footage, shot by Oskar Messter, shows a visit by Kaiser Wilhelm II to AG Vulcan in Stettin, one of the leading shipyards in Germany at the time. The emperor and a number of military and civilian d...
Produced by the French Film Chamber, the film shows Zuaven, an infantry unit of North African colonial soldiers, in Flanders, Belgium. In addition to a parade, the film shows various recreational acti...
The footage includes war damage in an apparently abandoned town (the sign on a house wall says Mons, Belgium), an airplane landing in a field, zoo animals, a military parade, Austrian Emperor Franz Jo...
The film agitates against the occupation of the Rhenish-Westphalian industrial area by French and Belgian troops in 1921. Shots of busy industrial plants are followed by images of French soldiers - in...
The footage shows, among other things, cavalrymen in Munich, Kaiser Wilhelm II's visit to Aachen on October 18, 1911 - with scenes at the town hall and on the Kaiserplatz with the Kaiser-Friedrich mon...
The footage produced by Gaumont shows a military parade in Berlin on March 10, 1913, to celebrate the battles that some German states had fought against Napoleonic France 100 years earlier. The milita...
Harry would like to marry his Grete on the spot, but first he has to get the approval of his future father-in-law, Councillor Goldfish. And poor Harry has to meet an important condition set by Goldfis...
Regional Cattle Show in Wetzlar Documentation of the Wetzlar Festival. Floats with the seasons of rural life passing by, footage of the Wetzlar Cathedral Square and Kornmarkt. Other floats: Wittenberg...
Medium shot of Nurse Mathilde (actress: Adina Mandlová) lying in a bed with a bandage on her left elbow. Nurse Tonička (actress: Truda Grosslichtová) is standing on the left with her hand resting o...
Medium shot of Rjepkin (actor: Vladimír Borský) standing next to a night stand in a hospital room. In the background is a window with a panoramic view of Brno.
Wide shot of an empty city street with three-storeyed buildings on the right and urban greenery on the left.
Medium shot of Nurse Mathilde (actress: Adina Mandlová) standing in a half opened door with her hand on the door handle.
Three families on the villiage green after the mobilization. From the left Mrs. Bártová and her son, Bárta (laborer), Janda (smith) and Tomeš (farmer) pledge a loyalty to the idea of Slavonic unit...
Three families on the public green after mobilization. From the left: Mrs. Bártová, Bárta and his son, Janda and his family, Tomeš and his family. Travel packages in the foreground.
After the mobilization: women hold on men and cry. On the left Janda (smith), the second one is Tomeš (farmer).
Farmer Tomeš and his son Jeníček with the oxcart full of straw.
Dr. N. Hansen, Der Film im Dienste der Gesundheit und Sicherheit des amerikanischen Volkes, Der Kinematograph, 645, (1919). Bericht über den großangelegten Einsatz der Filmtechnik in den USA.
Die Liquidation der "Bufa", Lichtbildbühne, 50, (1918), S. 9-10. Reportage anlässlich der geplanten Auflösung des Bild-und Filmamtes. Zusammenfassung ihrer Leistung, die mit ihrem Gründer verglich...
B.T., Messters Kriegskinos, Der Kinematograph, 437, (1915), S. 19. Meldung, dass die Firma Messter die Erlaubnis bekommen habe, regelmäßig an der Westfront Filmaufnahmen zu machen.