The footage, shot by Oskar Messter, shows a visit by Kaiser Wilhelm II to AG Vulcan in Stettin, one of the leading shipyards in Germany at the time. The emperor and a number of military and civilian d...
Produced by the French Film Chamber, the film shows Zuaven, an infantry unit of North African colonial soldiers, in Flanders, Belgium. In addition to a parade, the film shows various recreational acti...
The footage includes war damage in an apparently abandoned town (the sign on a house wall says Mons, Belgium), an airplane landing in a field, zoo animals, a military parade, Austrian Emperor Franz Jo...
The film agitates against the occupation of the Rhenish-Westphalian industrial area by French and Belgian troops in 1921. Shots of busy industrial plants are followed by images of French soldiers - in...
The footage shows, among other things, cavalrymen in Munich, Kaiser Wilhelm II's visit to Aachen on October 18, 1911 - with scenes at the town hall and on the Kaiserplatz with the Kaiser-Friedrich mon...
The footage produced by Gaumont shows a military parade in Berlin on March 10, 1913, to celebrate the battles that some German states had fought against Napoleonic France 100 years earlier. The milita...
Harry would like to marry his Grete on the spot, but first he has to get the approval of his future father-in-law, Councillor Goldfish. And poor Harry has to meet an important condition set by Goldfis...
Regional Cattle Show in Wetzlar Documentation of the Wetzlar Festival. Floats with the seasons of rural life passing by, footage of the Wetzlar Cathedral Square and Kornmarkt. Other floats: Wittenberg...
Screenshot from "Le 14 Juillet 1917. La fête des drapeau"
Olga Engl, Adolf Klein, Henny Porten, Theodor Loos (from left to right)
Szene aus "Der rote Baron"
Still from "Gebrochene Schwingen"
Still with Henrik Galeen (first on the left), Paul Wegener (first from the right)
Paul Wegener, Lyda Salmonova
Still with Paul Wegener (in the middle)
Film poster
Die Rohfilmsorge, Der Kinematograph, 456, (1915), S. 15. Bericht über die Auswirkungen des kriegsbedingten Rohstoffmangels auf die Filmindustrie.
Felix, F.. „Die Kinematographie der Töne.“ Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie III, 3/4 (1913/1914): 78-79. Meldung über erste Versuche, Film-und Tonaufnahmen zu sync...
Hermann Häfker, Kinematographie und Krieg, Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie, IV,1, (1914/1915), S. 1-3. Der Krieg sei der Sache der Kinoreform förderlich, weil die aus...
Waldner, Dagmar. "Kino und Wahlagitation." Bild & Film. Zeitschrift für Lichtbilderei und Kinematographie III,7 (1913/1914): 174. Bericht über den Einsatz des Films, um die Wähler über die Notwend...
Große Protest-Versammlung, Der Kinematograph, 678, (1920), S. 3. Aufruf zu einer Protestveranstaltung gegen die Verstaatlichung der Kinos.