Melodrama about love and deceit. The scheming and dissolute Dénis de Kerouan wants to wreak misery on his brother Robert. While Robert is out of the country, Dénis hires a forger to fabricate a lett...
Newsreel item on the commemoration of the First World War.
Manifestazione di stampo nazional-patriottico a Ponte Chiasso nella ricorrenza dell'entrata dell'Italia in guerra. Alla presenza di Augusto Turati, dell'invalido di guerra Antonio Cadringher e del seg...
Based on Pedro Calderón de la Barca's play.
IWW Romania. German air base in Dobrudja. Biplanes take off. Views of the city and harbour of Constanza affected by bombings. Romanian prisoners. Civil population's exodus. Constanza's casino. Damage...
Two satiric cartoons.
This short film advertises the eighth or ninth German war bond. Under the pressure of the financial shortage in the late phase of the First World War, Viktoria, the crowning figure of the Berlin Victo...
The documentary shows different aspects of training police dogs. The animals learn commands and perform various exercises, including hurdle jumps, which are shown in slow motion. The second half of th...
Der Zensur ist tot- es lebe die Zensur !, Der Kinematograph, 623, (1918), S. 17-18. Die Abschaffung der Zensur stelle Filmemacher vor die Frage, was derzeit erlaubt sei und was nicht. Es solle keine Z...
Filzinger, Wolfgang: "Filmaufnahmen im Schützengraben". Veröffentlichungsort und -zeitpunkt des Artikels ist unklar.