In Paris in 1918, refugees from the Somme exit Gare du Nord (North Station) with their luggage.
In Paris in 1917, cavalrymen march in the streets, a family follows a loved one's casket, Parisians bury Mr. Liard, and a soldier stands in front of a home.
In 1919, numerous soldiers arrive at Gare de l'Est (East Station). They line up in front of offices to be demobilized, then wait at clothing centers to return their packs.
In July 1918, during World War I, the streets of Paris seen from a tramway are calm, and the people, of which there are few, go about their business. On a sidewalk, city-dwellers stroll along and a so...
In October 1918, posters hung in the Paris streets implore passersby to subscribe to the fourth national loan to "regain all of France's sweet land." Parisians can see trophies of war such as the subm...
In August 1918, Parisians stand in line in front of the Félix Potin grocery store in order to get a few potatoes. On the sixth of the same month, others wait on Rue de Buci for some wine.
Paris, in September and October 1918. Captured Drahen balloons are displayed in the Tuileries Garden and on the Champs-Elysées. On the boulevards, Parisians can see the advances on the western front ...
From February 4 to 9, 1920, at the Grand Palais des Champs-Elysées (Great Palace), the Société Centrale d'Aviculture de France (Central French Poultry Farming Society) exhibits the last of commande...
Regiments of Czechoslovak volunteers in Padova swear to the flegs with the participation of the Italian king Vittorio Emanuele III. di Savoia and Czech political representation.
Regiments of Czechoslovak volunteers in Padova swear to the flegs with the participation of the Italian king Vittorio Emanuele III. di Savoia and Czech political representation.
Regiments of Czechoslovak volunteers in Padova swear to the flegs with the participation of the Italian king Vittorio Emanuele III. di Savoia and Czech political representation.
Regiments of Czechoslovak volunteers in Padova swear to the flegs with the participation of the Italian king Vittorio Emanuele III. di Savoia and Czech political representation.
Regiments of Czechoslovak volunteers in Padova swear to the flegs with the participation of the Italian king Vittorio Emanuele III. di Savoia and Czech political representation.
Regiments of Czechoslovak volunteers in Padova swear to the flegs with the participation of the Italian king Vittorio Emanuele III. di Savoia and Czech political representation.
American soldiers sent to France march with the American flags in the streets of Paris.
A soldier with cannon in a trench during the battle of Terron.
Argus, Neuheiten auf dem Berliner Filmmarkte, Der Kinematograph, 586, (1918), S. 28ff. Besprochen werden gleich zwei Propagandafilme zur achten Kriegsanleihe. "Lloyd George in Berlin" wird als äußer...
Theodor Zimmermann, Zur Lage in der Zensurfrage, Der Kinematograph, 624, (1918). Bericht, dass das Innenministerium befohlen habe, alle Zensurverordnungen unverzüglich aufzuheben. Lediglich Verordnun...
Oscar Geller, Detektiv-Filme, Der Kinematograph, 593, (1918), S. 21-25. Eröterung der Krimiwelle. Man könne Krimis nicht einfach als Schund abtun. Auch wenn viele der frühen Krimis, maßgeblich aus...
Argus, Der rasende Roland von Euskirchen, Der Kinematograph, 582, (1918), S. 6. Entgegnung auf Vorwürfe des Euskirchener Volksblattes, das Kino sei sittenverderbend. Der Schriftleiter Werner Rats kö...
Der Lustspielfilm, Der Kinematograph, 490, (1916), S. 17-18. Bericht über die große Zahl an Komödien, die in den letzten Monaten erschienen seien.
Mercedes-Film GmbH, Die Leibhusaren und ihre Geschichte, Der Kinematograph, 565, (1917). Die Werbung verweist darauf, dass der Film durch von Mackensens Frau gefördert wird.
Argus, Neuheiten auf dem Berliner Filmmarkte, Der Kinematograph, 614, (1918). "Kinder der Liebe" als Tendenz- und Aufklärungsfilm bezeichnet, dessen Absicht überzeuge. "Der Gefangene von Dahomey" se...
R. Genenchen, Kriegsunterstützung und Kinobesuch, Der Kinematograph, 506, (1916), S. 17. Bericht darüber, dass die Gemeinde Weida/Sachsen Soldatenfrauen, die Kinos besuchen, die städtische UnterstÃ...