Racks of weapons, possibly a display of police equipment. A map of the Metropolitan police divisions. An evidence case ? Men working at desks. Out of focus shot of fingerprints being taken. Boys worki...
'BELGIAN ENGINEERS IN THE FIELD: Belgian engineers erecting bridges over the rivers in Flanders. This work is vital to an army and has to be carried out in some cases under heavy shell fire'. A montag...
'ADVANCE ON THE EASTERN FRONT Russia having replenished her ammunition supply is carrying on a great offensive on the Eastern Front. Gunners setting fuses of shrapnel shells previous to their being fi...
Crowd of cheering children. J R Clynes MP, Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Food Control, arrives and performs the opening ceremony. The children, rather camera-shy, hold jugs of soup. A fin...
'5000 CANADIANS LEAVE FOR HOME: S.S. Olympic's historic departure from Southampton'. Cheerful soldiers mill about on quayside, and crowd onto the walkways of SS Olympic. Caption: 'Sir Edward Kemp (on ...
The movie shows the transportation and installation of cannons used to defend the coast.
Propaganda documentary produced under Fascism by the National Insurance Institute to promote life insurance. The river Piave, symbol of the First World War, is described by the monuments, plaques and ...
The film traces the history of Italy from 1200 until the advent of fascism. The fragment presented, which is the last part of the film, begins May 15 1915 with the begin of the First World War and en...
Still with Henny Porten
Still with Alice Verden (top, on the left)
Henny Porten
Still from "Schuldig"
Erich Ponto (on the left), Hedda Lembach, Alice Verden, Wolfgang Filzinger (front, on the right)
Gustav Fröhlich
Still from "Auf den Trümmern des Paradieses"
Still from "Der Film von der Königin Luise. 3. Abteilung: Die Königin der Schmerzen"
Plukovník Švec [manuscript] : bakalářská práce / David Švec. -- [Brno] : Masarykova univerzita, 2002. -- 50 [6] p. -- PC print, introduction, conclusion, photocopies of testimonials from print...
Skizzen aus dem Kriegshofquartier / von Maler Ludwig Koch. -- Wien : Verlag von L. W. Seidel, [1914]. -- [46] l. : ill. Set of studies and sketches by Austrian painter Ludwig Koch, which created durin...
Unser Programm 1915/1916 : eine Vorschau von Novitäten für die neue Saison / herausgegeben von der Allgem. Kinematographen und Films-Gesellschaft Phillipp & Pressburger. -- Budapest ; Lemberg : Allg...
President Masaryk : k jubileu sedmdesátých narozenin. -- v Praze : Tiskový odbor předsednictva ministerské rady, 1920. -- x p., 57 l. : ill. The picture book, published on the 70th anniversary o...