The trade unionist shop stewards "representing 40,000 shipyard workers" are shown around the hospital. They include some women. They are shown a patient receiving heat lamp treatment. A group of them ...
The tower is very high and used for Artillery observation. The last few sandbags are hauled up into position.
Spanish language version of a newsreel item on British troops building a sandbag obse...
The fatal consequences of accidentally letting the enemy discover secret information are illustrated by an episode set in the trenches. Orders for an attack are passed down from Hindenburg to GHQ to o...
Officers walk out from the wooden huts of their bases. The huts have flower gardens and even a sundial. The station groundcrew drill on the main square, with a band, at some length, and finally march ...
Newsreel item on Supermarine Southampton flying boats of 201 Squadron taking off for a goodwill tour of the Baltic from Calshot, September 1930.
Newsreel item on Supermarine Southampton flying boats of 201 Squadron taking off for a goodwill tour of the Baltic from Calshot, September 1930.
The crews, of 203 Squadron, say goodbye to their families at the water's edge and take launches out to their flying boats. A number of newsreel cameramen, including one on a Pathé sound van, record t...
The squadron pilots start up their Fairey IIIF aircraft and take off. Three of them, and the camera plane (see note below), overfly the mountain, which is covered with snow.
Newsreel item on airc...
Emil Perlmann, Wenn die Waffen ruhen...!, Der Kinematograph, 619, (1918). Erörterung der Lage der Filmindustrie angesichts des greifbaren Kriegsendes. Die Filmindustrie müsse den Kampf gegen die Zen...
Walter Thielemann, Der Film 1917, Der Kinematograph, 573, (1917), S. 12ff. Jahresrückblick. Positiv hervorgehoben wird die immer breitere Anerkennung, die dem Kino zuteil werde, da der immer mehr sei...
Colonia-Film-GmbH, Die Leute wollen mal wieder lachen !, Der Kinematograph, 508, (1916), S. 43.
Poldi Schmidl, Der Kinobesitzer als Staatsbeamter, Der Kinematograph, 607, (1918). Angesichts der geplanten Konzessionspflicht für Kinobesitzer wird die Möglichkeit einer Verstaatlichung der Filmind...
Deutsche Lichtbild Gesellschaft e.V., Die Arbeit unserer Heimarmee, Der Kinematograph, 566, (1917), S. 11.
"'Um das grosse Erbe'. Aufhebung eines Filmverbots", Der Kinematograph, 549, (1917), S. 11-14.
Universum Filmverleih, Söhne des Volkes, Der Kinematograph, 620, (1918), S. 3. "Der bisher unter dem Titel 'König des Lichts' angekündigte Film...der neue Film für die neue Zeit"
Neuheiten auf dem Berliner Filmmarkte, Der Kinematograph, 550, (1917), S. 15-17. Rezension aktueller Filme. Interessant ist, dass die russische Gesellschaft filmisch thematisiert wird. Karl Schneider,...