Im Finnland des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts lebt ein zehnjähriger, stummer Junge mit seiner allein erziehenden Mutter auf einem kleinen Hof in der Wildnis, fernab der Zivilisation. Der Vater des Jungen,...
Der alte Farmer Abga lebt mit seiner Enkelin Asida in Georgien am Fuße des Kaukasus-Gebirges. Eines Tages beschließt er, auf einer kleinen Insel auf dem Enguri-Fluss Mais anzupflanzen. Die Insel ent...
The documentary film accompanies a project by chorographer Heike Henning who invited four former professional dance performancers, who were all nearing the age of 80, to return to the stage despite th...
Experimentelle und zugleich texttreue Adaption der Erzählung "Lenz" von Georg Büchner: Die Regisseurin Isabelle Krötsch und der Schauspieler Hans Kremer reisten auf den Spuren des Texts nach Walder...
Dem elfjährigen Jonas fällt zuhause die Decke auf den Kopf. Seit Papas Tod ist nichts mehr, wie es war, und er will nur noch weg. Über die Sommerferien in die Slowakei, zu seinem Opa, genauso wie f...
Melodrama in which the rich and arrogant George promises to give money to the penniless Frank and Jane, on the condition that he could spend the night with Jane. She agrees with this, hoping to save h...
A documentary film on recent Norwegian history (1905-1955). Spanning from the break with Sweden and arrival of the new king Haakon VII, to the promise of things to come through such new fields as spac...
The farmer's daughter and her young man spend idyllic moments in the countryside, riding in a buggy and then rowing on the lake. The girl plucks a daisy: "He loves me, he loves me not..." but of cours...
Emperor Wilhelm II visited Norway and the city of Kristiansund around 1913, and the film shows the arrival of a huge German warship. Life in the harbour and on the fjord, people at work on a farm, ...
Reportage about a demonstration flight by aviator Clement van Maasdijk On July 31 and August 1, 1910, the Dutch aviator Clement van Maasdijk gave two flight demonstrations during Heerenveen’s ‘air...
A woman, concerned about the continual absences of her husband, commissions a detective to follow him and report back to her. At first glance this appears to be a classic fictional device, all the mor...
Film documenting a tortuous series of cavalry exercises. It includes a harrowing sequence of horses descending steep hills and cliffs and jumping into the water. Film restored in collaboration w...
Suzanne and the prince of Sylvania fall in love with each other, but this is forbidden. Suzanne is thrown out of the house, gives birth to an illegitimate child, goes mad and dies before she can see h...
Brief des bayerischen Innenministeriums an die Präsens-Film GmbH vom 09.06.1933. Betreff: Widerruf des Bildstreifens "Frauennot - Frauenglück". Ablehnung der Zurücknahme des Widerrufsantrags.
English dialogue list (excerpt) for "Im Reiche des silbernen Löwen" (Fury of the Sabers).
English screenplay (final version from 17 June 1964, excerpt) of "Genghis Khan".
Daily production report No. 4, 13 July 1965 on the shooting of "Im Reiche des silbernen Löwen".
Costume excerpt for "Die Todesstrahlen des Dr. Mabuse", part of "Gilda Larsen", played by Yvonne Furneaux.
Screenplay (excerpt) of "Das Geheimnis der schwarzen Koffer".