Noch bis 1970 war der Frauenfußball in Deutschland offiziell verboten, auch danach signalisierte der DFB kein Interesse daran, Frauenfußball zu fördern oder gar eine Nationalmannschaft zu bilden. S...
Science-Fiction-Thriller. 24 Wissenschaftler treffen im Kontrollraum des Teilchenbeschleunigers LHC am Europäischen Kernforschungsinstitut Cern zusammen. Doch am folgenden Morgen verlässt nur einer ...
In dieser dokumentarischen Komödie forscht Stanislaw Mucha nach den biografischen Wurzeln des Pop-Art-Künstlers Andy Warhol – und wird in den slowakischen Städtchen Medzilaborce und Mikova fündi...
Der Schiffskapitän Marco Silvestri wird von seiner Schwester Sandra nach Paris gerufen, nachdem deren Mann Selbstmord begangen hat. Auslöser des Suizids war die Pleite der familiären Firma, für di...
Fortsetzung der Science-Fiction-Komödie "Iron Sky" von 2012: Seit dem Ende des ersten Films sind 20 Jahre vergangen. Damals hatte die Invasion der Nazis vom Mond einen verheerenden Atomkrieg ausgelö...
In January 1916 there was a great fire in Bergen, where almost 400 buildings burned down and 2700 people lost their homes. The film shows the clean-up of the ruins.
Newsreel in three parts: a football match with female players, the autumn fashion from Paris, and the favourite sport of cowboys, which seems to be gymnastics.
From the celebration of the Norwegian national day, the 17th of May, in the capital Kristiania, later named Oslo. The day is celebrated traditionally with choral singing, brass bands and children's ...
Giuseppe Garibaldi was in America when he met and married Anita Ribeira. In 1848 Garibaldi decided to go back to Italy where war was imminent, and Anita followed him. In the fighting at Vascello...
Comedy about soldier Tontolini who keeps his money in the sheath of his sword. When he wants to pay, and therefore pulls his sword, the police is called. Subsequently the misunderstanding is cleared u...
Drama in which Hélène, the owner of a large company, looses her memory and is taken in a working class family. She starts to work in her own factory, to find out that her employees are working under...
Young Alexander Snobman is the son of the town's richest sausage maker, and the neighbour of Philip Helt, an up-and-coming engineer. Both of the young gentlemen are captivated by the dancer Eva Sommer...
A British film recording the visit of King George V, accompanied by his son Prince Albert (later George VI), on a tour inspection of several British battleships in an unnamed location (possibly ...
Beschluss der Polizeidirektion Hof: Die Erlaubnis zur Vorführungen von "Frauennot - Frauenglück" im Centraltheater in Hof wird aufgrund des starken Widerstands in der Bevölkerung zurückgenommen.
Letter from CCC to Kalanag, 20 October 1959 regarding the loan of snakes for the shooting of "Herrin der Welt. I. Teil".
Memo for "Herrin der Welt (Teil I)" on the shooting with ants in the "Berliner Aquarium".
Daily call sheet for 08 December 1959 for the shooting of "Herrin der Welt".
Daily production report No. 22, 01 February 1966 on the shooting of "Lange Beine - lange Finger".
Daily production report No. 25, 17 November 1960 on the shooting of "O sole mio".
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