The film centers on the lives of three friends during World War II. One of them is executed for deserting, having attempted to see his girlfriend. Another of the three friends is traumatized by the de...
A documentary of archaeological and mythological character with dramatized scenes, the film is a kind of travelogue, visiting the Greek sites of worship of the goddess Artemis, and a journey in time e...
The fourteenth century in the Byzantine Empire. Young Stratis Karlas returns with his mother to the “lowlands” determined to take revenge for his father’s death and regain the family estate, whi...
A sweet and rich shepherdess is in love with a poor shepherd and so turns down the proposals of a chief shepherd. This chief shepherd blames her beloved for a theft – which, of course, the poor shep...
Lazaros is a rich man who likes to party and have fun, and who has been idling away his life without ever knowing what it means to work. Now, he is informed by his accountant that his inheritance has ...
Thanasis (Thanasis Vengos) is an honest working man who has to support his sister’s family as well, as Maria’s husband is only interested in football. Thanasis is in love with Juliet (Aimilia Ypsi...
Thanasis (Thanasis Vengos) has an electrical appliance store and, despite the great difficulties he faces, he insists on helping people by lending to friends and acquaintances and carrying his deadbea...
An unwed mother and her son are looking for a home in Athens. The city in August proves to be filled with inhospitable and suspicious residents, but the mother is adamant, hoping for the chance at a n...