BIO-GRAPHY is a film somewhere between Animation and Expanded Cinema. It is an experimental film par excellence, based on a collage of gravures by Chumy Chumez. The color has been specially processed...
The film, largely autobiographical, is an exquisite commentary on the crucial decade 1965-1975. The camera records images of current everyday life, while the director’s two previous short films, Let...
Three brothers leave home seeking their freedom. Trying to escape with a boat, they are marooned in a swampy area. There, with the help of a shepherd (Nikos Alexiou), they expand their sexual horizons...
Anna a hospitalised psychopathic young woman kills in a psychiatric clinic the male nurse who tried to rape her, and then she escapes. She wanders in the streets of the city, lost and without talking ...
A gruff highlander (Alexis Damianos) leaves his village and heads to the town and harbor where he will embark for Australia. We follow his descent to the sea through three stories. At first, he works ...
I am…a “whore”. The film is about the turbulent life of a 30-year old prostitute, Rita, who is a daughter of a whore – with her mother finding herself in a very difficult situation, being sick...
A 30-year-old man (Lefteris Vogiatzis) returns from America suffering an existential crisis. He goes to Corfu to see his sick mother and tries to find happiness through a desperate love affair with a ...
Sometime in the near future, a strange epidemic has struck Athens and deprived the people of the ability to dream. A minor actor, Iason, however, has the ability to dream for others, on request. He ru...