A man is looking for his parents. He finds out that his father had abandoned his mother for a rich woman. His mother raised him on her own with the help of a wealthy woman that loved her as a daughter...
In Turkish occupied Greece in the 18th century, Menousis (Giannis Voglis), after the Turks have killed his wife and child, decides to climb the mountains and, along with the bandits, fight for the lib...
Kostas and Aliki differ from the rest of the seven members of their group of friends, which is why they are called “the goody-goodies”. One night, Stelios and Stefanos drag them to a wild party at...
Two friends and blunderers (Fragkiskos Manellis and Giannis Malouchos) make up various scams hoping to make a little money. Despite their inclination toward crime, deep inside they are good-natured an...