Hvad sker der efter du har sagt ja til ægteskabet og alt det der følger med? Livet for pigerne udformer sig præcis som de vil have det, men det ville jo ikke være Sex and the City hvis ikke livet ...
I 1885 får William Cody - bedre kendt som Buffalo Bill - den strålende idé at bruge sit berømte navn i showbusiness. Han skaber et stort vild-vest-cirkus og cementerer sit flotte ry som præriehel...
Lady er hund hos et pænt ungt par. Da familien bliver forøget med en baby, begynder problemerne. Værre bliver det, da det unge par rejser bort og indforskriver en gammel tante til at passe på baby...
Tre helt særlige jordegern, Alvin, Theodore og Simon, løber tilfældigt ind i den kriseramte sangskriver Dave Seville og beslutter at flytte ind hos ham. I håbet om at overbevise Dave om, at han sk...
Campaign film highlighting the effects of the public expenditure cuts on university students, as seen through the eyes of Sammie, a female student at Glasgow University. Using photomontage, graphics,...
T.V. Documentary from the mid 1960s reporting on the action the Stirlingshire police force is taking towards road safety. The second report is a interview with the entertainer Bruce Forsyth backstag...
Dr Honeyman describing his purchase of the Burrell Collection and Dali's "Crucifixion". With shots of the Art Gallery, Glasgow University and the collection in storage. Dr Honeyman and the Civic Amen...
Mary is in love with a young farmer, who goes abroad to earn money. During his absence, Mary's family is assailed by disease and poverty. Since she has not heard from her beloved for a long time, she ...
"The Old Man and the Bird" (2014/15)
SPCA inspects farm and transport of livestock, and shows the care of both working animals and pets. Also outlines SPCA's role in rehoming animals, and in educating children about pet care.
A record of the renovation work on the Bellhaven cafe, Wishaw, Lanarkshire, between 1948 to 1955; shows the work of masons, joiners, glaziers and the Cocozza family on the new Cafe, and the interest o...
A documentary, narrated and directed by Sean Connery, on the turbulent industrial relations of the workforce of Fairfield's shipyard on the Clyde during the mid 1960s.
Television documentary from the mid 1960s about the redevelopment of Dundee: new houses, destruction of slums, the building of the Tay Road Bridge, growth of shops and industry.
Incomplete film on the airplane 'Princesse Marie-Jose'
Documentary made in Sweden for Belgian audiences after the sudden death of Queen Astrid.