Australian soldiers, probably of 5th Division, at the south end of the Saint Quentin tunnel at Bellicourt. A temporary bridge has been built just below the tunnel entrance. A view, from on top of the ...
A tour through various exhibitions in the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum.
Footage of sand racing, and coverage of the first post-war car hill climb race held at Rest and Be Thankful, organised by the Royal Scottish Automobile Club, St Andrews.
One of a series of 20 films made for Babcock and Wilcox (Steam) Ltd. between 1954 and 1961, it features the Babcock and Wilcox tower crane involved in building the new sports stadium, Crystal Palace, ...
An amateur film shot in the mid 1980s showing various leisure activities in and around the Perthshire town of Crieff including; water sports, pony trekking, BMX bikes, raft river racing, and radio con...
The people of Lochgelly at work and play, with footage of wash day and playing golf and bowls.
One of a series of 20 films made for Babcock and Wilcox (Steam) Ltd between 1954 and 1961, it includes a tea party for members of staff held at Turnberry Hotel where they also play golf for the inter-...
Amateur footage of people in Glasgow's Botanic Gardens, traffic on Great Western Road and street scenes in the city.
Belle er en bogorm, og en køn en af slagsen, men det irriterer hende, at hun så vedholdende efterstræbes af et tomhovedet muskelbundt som Gaston. Han er landsbyens Don Juan, som får alle piger til...
Om en ung forskers kamp for at finde løsningen på AIDS-virusets gåde. Alle nægtede, at der var et problem. Først efter 25.000 døde udtalte præsident Reagan offentligt ordet AIDS.
Glasgow in the post-war years and the Corporation's futuristic plans for the city's development. [The film was made to tie in with an exhibition of the same title, held at the Kelvin Hall in Glasgow....
In a decayed Scottish fishing village, an outcast boy strikes up a friendship with a fisherman who believes himself to be Zorba.
35 mm - NB
Eventyrlig historie om kampen mellem ondt og godt i en fjern ahistorisk tid, hvor troldmænd og dragedræbere var en realitet.
Efter mange genvordigheder lykkes det bjørnen at fange sneharen, men lige før den skal til at skyde fortæller haren om sin gamle mor og sine utallige børn. Bjørnen bliver blød om hjertet og lade...
En amerikansk videnskabsmand rejser til Haiti for at undersøge en oplysning om at man her fremstiller en gift, der kan gøre mennesker til zombier. Hans arbejde trues af politiet og en konfrontation ...
Tiana drømmer om at åbne sin egen restaurant, og er også tæt på at opnå drømmen, da hun kommer til at kysse en fortryllet frø og selv bliver forvandlet til en frø. Nå må de to på en lang r...