Promotional film on the Belgian breed of horses.
Newsreels from the week of November 11, 1944
Newsreels from the week of November 11, 1944
Newsreels from the week of May 8th, 1945
Newsreels from the week of May 8th, 1945
Newsreels from the week of May 30th, 1945
Newsreels from the week of May 30th, 1945
Newsreels from the week of July 29th, 1945
Newsreels from the week of July 29th, 1945
The repatriation of the body of Queen Astrid after her fatal car accident in Switzerland.
Documentary about the reorganisation of the sewers in Brussels.
Film about the history of Belgium, made to be shown in the Belgian pavillion during the 1937 World Fair in Paris.
Tante Tille bor på en lille gård på landet. Da hun en dag finder en forladt ræveunge, tager hun den med hjem og kalder den Mikkel. Tilles nabo, Orla Olsen, er jæger, og da han en dag finder en fo...
Frankrig 1913. Gentlemantyven Philippe de Ledocq er aldrig blevet grebet på fersk gerning til stor ærgrelse for politiinspektør Fernand Maubert. Det lykkes dog politiinspektøren at fange Ledocqs m...
Newsreels from the week of September 18, 1944.
Newsreels from the week of September 18, 1944.
Newsreels from the week of July 9th, 1945
Newsreels from the week of July 9th, 1945
Newsreels from the week of September 1st, 1945
Newsreels from the week of September 1st, 1945
The construction of the Vajont dam.
Half a century of history on the pages of the famous comic magazine “Il corriere dei piccoli”.
The history of the Olympic Village in Rome.
Spyros (Manos Katrakis), a political refugee, returns to his homeland in his old age after many years in exile. His return is thorny, as even his wife (Ntora Volanaki) is like a stranger to him. Spyro...
Da den unge californiske kvinde Susan Murphy på sin bryllupsdag uforvarende bliver ramt af en meteor fuld af rum-snask, begynder hun på mystisk vis at vokse og når en højde på 15 meter og 22 cent...