Newsreels showing the aftermath of the Second World War
Newsreels showing the aftermath of the Second World War
Documentary about the life of Queen Elisabeth.
In this extract from a flemish broadcast, four members of the 1963 EXPRMNTL festival edition's jury (Lorenza Mazzetti, Norman McLaren, Jan Lenica, Herbert Vesely) as well as director Jorgen Roos give ...
Helga Schuchardt, Sabine Gräfin von Nayhauß-Cormons, Christa Nickels, Roswitha Verhülsdonk, Renate Faerber-Husemann, Ursula Männle, Herta Däubler-Gmelin, Ingrid Matthäus-Maier, Renate Hellwig, M...
Yoshi Heimrath, Leif Alexis, Jochen Laube, Kirsten Niehuus, Oliver Zeller, Fabian Maubach (standing, left to right), Welket Bungué, Burhan Qurbani, Benjamina Mirnik-Voges, Albrecht Schuch (sitting, l...
Godehard Giese, Markus Reinecke (Erfttal Film), Tom Schilling, Lilla Puskas (Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg), Pola Friedrichs, Karoline Herfurth, Andreas Berger (DOP), director Christopher Doll, Magda...
Gertrud Bredel (front), Eva Maria Schneider, Eva Maria Bayerwaltes, Rüdiger Weigang, Dieter Schaad, Sabine Wagner, Gabriele Blum, Marita Breuer (grown ups standing, from left to right), Frank Kleid (...
Eva van Leeuwen, David Zimmerschied, Jakob Claussen, Christina Bentlage, Michael Kessler, Jana Pallaske, Tim Oliver Schultz (standing from left to right), Alexander Schubert, Laura Roge, Tim Trachte, ...
To unge amerikanere beslutter sig af vidt forskellige grunde til at sælge top-hemmelige oplysninger til Sovjetunionen.
Daily live of a high mountain farmer during the year.
An investigation of the problem of backstreet abortion in Italy.
A re-examination of the text based on illustrations of various editions of “Pinocchio” by Carlo Collodi.
A brief history of the Italian comic newspapers.
Robinet corteggia una fanciulla che sta tirando le reti a riva. Il padre della fanciulla pretende però che la figlia si metta con un pescatore, quindi Robinet si traveste e intraprende la profe...
Typical work in the working class neighborhoods of Palermo.
Filmbiografie über die berühmte Trapp-Familie, die auch dem berühmten Kinomusical "The Sound of Music" ("Meine Lieder, meine Träume", USA 1965) als Vorlage diente.Die Erzählung beginnt in den 192...
Filmbiografie über das Wirken der Philosophin und Reporterin Hannah Arendt. Im Jahr 1933 verlässt die Jüdin ihre deutsche Heimat, geht zunächst nach Frankreich und 1941 nach Amerika. Dort arbeitet...