Propagandafilm about the 'Royal Question', that led to the king's abdication.
Propagandafilm about the 'Royal Question', that led to the king's abdication.
Newsreels showing the aftermath of the Second World War
Newsreels showing the aftermath of the Second World War
Documentary about the life of Queen Elisabeth.
In this extract from a flemish broadcast, four members of the 1963 EXPRMNTL festival edition's jury (Lorenza Mazzetti, Norman McLaren, Jan Lenica, Herbert Vesely) as well as director Jorgen Roos give ...
Helga Schuchardt, Sabine Gräfin von Nayhauß-Cormons, Christa Nickels, Roswitha Verhülsdonk, Renate Faerber-Husemann, Ursula Männle, Herta Däubler-Gmelin, Ingrid Matthäus-Maier, Renate Hellwig, M...
Yoshi Heimrath, Leif Alexis, Jochen Laube, Kirsten Niehuus, Oliver Zeller, Fabian Maubach (standing, left to right), Welket Bungué, Burhan Qurbani, Benjamina Mirnik-Voges, Albrecht Schuch (sitting, l...
Godehard Giese, Markus Reinecke (Erfttal Film), Tom Schilling, Lilla Puskas (Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg), Pola Friedrichs, Karoline Herfurth, Andreas Berger (DOP), director Christopher Doll, Magda...
Gertrud Bredel (front), Eva Maria Schneider, Eva Maria Bayerwaltes, Rüdiger Weigang, Dieter Schaad, Sabine Wagner, Gabriele Blum, Marita Breuer (grown ups standing, from left to right), Frank Kleid (...
Prise de Courcelles (Oise, Picardie) en 1918
Reims en ruines (Département Marne, Champagne-Ardenne)
Un 210 éclate - Faubourg d'Amiens á Arras (Nord-Pas-de-Calais)
Dixmude en ruines (Diksmuide, Belgique, Yser, Flandre-Occidentale)
4045 - Marne 1916 - Fosse commune
7301 - Argonne - La Chalade (Lachalade, Département Meuse, Lorraine)
3217 - Albert Cathédrale (Albert, Département Somme, Picardie)
Main de Massiges (Département Marne, Champagne-Ardenne)
Report on the coronation of king Leopold III.
Documentary on the necessity of safeguarding industrial archeological sites in Belgium.
News item on the visit of Grand Duchess Joséphine Charlotte of Luxemburg to Brussels.
Promotional film for the Xaveriuskring Koninklijke Harmonie at Carloo-sint-Job.
Publicity film for the Reynolds wrap.
News report on the World Fair in 1935 in Brussels.
Bishop Ordination in St. Gallen on 16.10.1938, all sequences show different people from the church, i.e. Cardinal Pacelli / later Pius XII, walking down a forecourt, that is bordered by other guests.
01 – Iniziativa (Gorizia, 1/10/1971) Gruppi di giovani scendono dagli autobus all'aeroporto di Gorizia e vanno a raggiungere in pista un velivolo per iniziare le lezioni di cultura aeronautica...