The problems of racial integration in the time of the Black Panthers.
"Promotional film which indicates the need to give blood for the Red Cross. Producima will make a few years another film on the same subject: ""Faits-divers""."
Black Hills-bjergene vest for Wounded Knee er smukke turistattraktioner i dag ¿ for 100 år siden var området skueplads for massakren på Sioux-indianerne. I filmen følges dels en amerikansk famili...
Denne prisvindende portrætfilm om Velvet Undergrounds frontfigur og Andy Warhols yndlingsblondine Nico giver et usminket men respektfuldt indblik i hendes omvæltende liv fra feteret Vogue-fotomodel ...
Da den svenskfødte sanger Jussi Björling døde i 1960, blot 49 Ã¥r gammel, havde han opnÃ¥et et internationalt renommé som en af operahistoriens største tenorer. Og som en af Enrico Carusos fÃ¥ vÃ...
Som selvlært sanger var den danskfødte Helge Rosvænge (1897-1972) noget af en ener blandt operatenorernes verdenselite. Efter debuten i 1921 virkede Rosvænge mest i Tyskland og Østrig, hvor han m...
Den danskfødte sanger Lauritz Melchior (1890-1973) regnes som en af operahistoriens førende heltetenorer. Efter debuten i »Tannhäuser" i 1918 blev Melchior især kendt som Wagner-fortolker, idet h...
Report on the Nordic art project FLYING CONCRETE in Copenhagen from July 23th to September 15th, 1984. Artists represented: Greenland: Jessie Christensen. Finland: Pekka Nevaleinen / Hannu Siren. Swed...
Report on the funeral of Queen Astrid, preceded by a compilation of important moments in her life.
Documentary that dissects the judicial system with fictional scenes.
Incomplete film on the airplane 'Princesse Marie-Jose'
Documentary made in Sweden for Belgian audiences after the sudden death of Queen Astrid.
Newsreels from the week of May 8th, 1945
Newsreels from the week of May 8th, 1945
Newsreels from the week of May 30th, 1945
Newsreels from the week of May 30th, 1945
Newsreels from the week of July 29th, 1945
Newsreels from the week of July 29th, 1945
The repatriation of the body of Queen Astrid after her fatal car accident in Switzerland.
Documentary about the reorganisation of the sewers in Brussels.
News report on the ceremonies concerning the funeral of King Albert I.
The 19th century Po Valley fairy tale about the ogre who kidnaps children.
The musical legacy of Queen Elisabeth of Belgium: the genesis of the annual Queen Elisabeth Music Competition.
The musical legacy of Queen Elisabeth of Belgium: the genesis of the annual Queen E...