A young woman (Themis Bazaka) tries to escape from her oppressive family and decides to go to Andalusia, where she can live freely and give birth to her child. She meets a French actor (Denis Pantalid...
A dramatic documentary about the Greek village of Belogiannis near Budapest, Hungary, which was built in 1950 by Greek political refugees, former fighters of the Democratic Army. At the time when the...
When a friend of his dies, an isolated writer decides to abandon his solitude and look into the reasons for the loss of his friend. This decision will force him to face the people around him and final...
A chemist (Giota Festa) who works in a paint factory discovers that a toxic dye has been used in the production of children’s toys. Only her two sisters stand by her during this difficult ordeal; th...
In the autumn of 1948, a little before the end of the Civil War in Greece, six young leftists from Thessaloniki, sensing their impending arrest and death, think up an exceptionally daring plan: they d...