(Reel 1) Men board troopships, including SS Leviathan, in New York harbour. On the crossing there are sports, a dance, and jive by black troops. A submarine attack is repelled by destroyers. The men d...
The wife of Lőrinc Gáthy (Mr. Wickfield in the Croatian version) dies in childbirth. A female relative offers to take care of the motherless child and the household, but Gáthy declines the offer be...
Vene poole kaart miiniväljadest meres ja rannakaitsepatareide laskesektoritest Eesti rannikumeres,.
Saksa dessandi randumine Tagalahes.
Saksa sõjalaevad Saaremaa kaldavetes Tagalahes Eesti saarte vallutamise operatsiooni ajal.
Aerofoto Saksa sõjalavaevadest enne Tagalahe dessanti.
British cruisers sail the sea.