Kompilation von Kriegsaufnahmen an der italienischen Front. Beginnt mit Aufnahmen von Manövern zur See. Danach haben Militärwagen Schwierigkeiten, die Straßen zu passieren, die Generäle gehen zu F...
US soldiers disembark from their ship at a French port. A group of US Navy officers and men posed with French children they have temporarily adopted. More Infantry on the march. A long column of US nu...
Allenby's train pulls in to the station and he gets down to meet with some civilian dignitaries. He inspects an honour guard of Infantry and a Boy Scout troop. Allenby drives away from the station in ...
A Medium D tank comes up to the camera, and past it on to a stream. Sappers demonstrate how to blow up a 'bridge' made of hardboard on dry land. A Vickers Medium Mark I tank manoeuvres with Infantry. ...
The men march down a road towards the camera in a totally featureless landscape, all very smart, officers riding very clean horses. They rest by the roadside, and cheer the camera as it pans over them...
A training exercise on gently rolling slopes begins with 77mm field guns and trench mortars opening the bombardment, joined by light howitzers. An intercut scene of Austro-Hungarian troops walking dow...
The King, with binoculars, stands with a group of staff officers watching the exercises. King George and Queen Mary stand with a group of officers beside a NAAFI wagon. As part of the exercise the tro...
A pan over the Mosque of Omar taken from the front of the Mosque of El Aska, followed by a view of the courtyard of the Mosque of Omar. Two Indian Infantry regiments, one of them probably 58th (Vaugha...
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